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"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean your parents weren't that okay with me dating you and I have two dads as well. Don't you think they'll be all 'Aaaaahhhh~! So the gayness runs in the family!' and then I'll say something rude and then you'll snicker and then slap me backside the head and then your parents will hate me forever...?"

"Say what rude?"

"Like... I wonder who your husbands fucking then because it's obviously not you-" He laughs and then slaps me upside the head and I chuckle awkwardly. "I told you."

"Okay well let's refrain from the disses. If they're rude to your parents I'll be the one ti deck them. But they're fine with us otherwise they wouldn't have invited us AND your parents to the barbecue. Plus they told me they're fine with it." I take in a very deep breath through my nose before shouting slowly and he laughs before throwing me over his shoulder. "Come on kids! Uncle Oreki is being a poopy butt!"

"Poopy butt-!"-Robin-

"WaIr KuRoO i NeEd My CrUtChEs!"

"Got them." I take them from him so he can hold the twins hands and Isu holds mine as she chuckles. "You're funny Uncle Ki!"

"Why thank you niece Isu." She laughs at my formal voice as I stay hanging on Kuroo's back. I help Kuroo put Robin and Raven's seats in the car before we put their seatbelts on them and get driving.


I float over to dad before Kuroo's dad speaks and I don't know if I'm angry already or just ready to fight.

Or is that the same thing?

"Oreki! I'm glad you made it!"

"It's a park by a river and Kuroo drives so it's-" He hugs me and I just make a .___________. face as we pat each others backs and Kuroo chuckles at me before mouthing 'Be nice.' to me. "I'm really sorry about hitting you I wasn't thinking-"

"Hitting him- You did what-?!"-Samuel-

"IT'S FINE NOTHING HAPPENED." I grab dads face and he just sighs against the palm of my hand. "Do I need to kill him?"

"I don't think so."

"Are you sure? I brought my gun?"

"You always bring your gun, how does that change things?" Ukai shakes Kuroo's dads hand before someone very roughly shoves their arm around my shoulders. "Thank you for looking after my kids Ki!! Here let's celebrate!" Kuroo's sisters husband hands me a bottle of cider before I hand it back to him. "I'm underage."

"Kuroo told me you were eighteen?"

"I dOn'T lIkE aLcOhOl."

"You sure?"



"I'll take an orange capri-sun though?"

"One orange capri-sun coming up!" He walks back off and I just look at Kuroo with another .______________. face as he walks over to me. "Yeah I forgot to tell them sorry."

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now