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"I'm here sis!"

"Sis?! I sHoUlD'vE dReSsEd NiCeR." I whisper shout angrily to myself as I take off my shoes at the front door and he chuckles. "Your clothes are fine dumbass."

"Aahh! So you're the boyfriend!" I look at the woman that looks so much like Kuroo it's insane and smile nervously. "Yeah..."

"It's nice to finally meet you~ We've got to get going for our flight but you two can eat anything you want and drink anything and sleep in our bed. We've already changed the bed sheets so just make sure you change them back before you leave~ Have fun!" She ruffles both of our hair and I watch her and her husband walkout before looking at Kuroo. And then a little girl runs into Kuroo's legs. "Uncle Kuroo!!!"

"EH?!" He chuckles anxiously and lifts up the girl on his waist before turning to me. "Isu this is my boyfriend Oreki. Oreki this is my niece that we're looking after for four days- Isu."


"Ah catch on sweetie."

"Yeah sweetie!" I pout as they both gang up on me already. "Okay Isu have you had breakfast?" She shakes her head. "Well you and Oreki go sit down and I'll make us some breakfast." I stand still awkwardly and Isu giggles as she runs away before Kuroo kisses my cheek and rubs my back as he hugs my side. "I told my sister we'd look after her kids whilst she has four days of with her husband."

"F-four- KIDSSSSSS?!!"

"SSHHHH. Yes kids. She has twins as well. Both of them are two and boys." He sees the stress on my face and kisses my cheek again. "Don't stress baby it's fine. At least like this you can see if you really never want kids."

"Yeah but... Twins and a girl? I don't know how to... How do I... Like talk to her."

"Like a normal human."

"Yeah but I can't even do that right."

"Just relax Oreki she isn't going to start biting you."

"But what if she poops."

"...She's five Ki, if she needs to poop she'll go to the toilet."

"Oh... I guess you're right."

"I am. I'm always right."

"I mean you can't always be right that'd be fundamentally impossible-" He kisses me hard enough to shut me up before tapping my butt and pulling away. "What do you wanna eat?" He shouts out as he walks into the kitchen and I go to speak when Isu shouts piercingly loud. "PANCAKES!!!" I just pout and she giggles at me as I sit down. "Ki you want the usual chocolate chip and ice cream?!!"

"YEAH!!" He chuckles at the quick shout and Isu hops over. "You like chocolate chip too?!"

"I do!"

"Wooaahhh. I love chocolate chip more then you."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do!"

"No you don't."

"YES I DO!!!!" She shouts in a nasty way and I just stay weirdly quiet so Kuroo shouts from inside the kitchen instead. "That wasn't nice was it?!"


"Say sorry!"


"I-it's fine- Let's watch some TV, yeah?"

"Yeah." She sits on the floor at the table so I copy her and go to put on the TV when. "NO TV UNTIL AFTER FOOD OREKI!"

"AODNSKSFSNDNSA." Isu laughs at my panic and I chuckle the remote on the sofa which makes her laugh even harder. I start playing the rice, barley, game with her and Kuroo peaks out of the kitchen and smiles when he sees me teasing and playing with Isu gladly.

"Bad with kids my ass."
(Watch Vid from 2:25-5:03. Guy on the left is Oreki, the girl is Isu and also what she looks like.)

"You guys are already friends huh?!"

"No! He's a puppy butt!!" I grin and chuckle. "I am I agree." Kuroo chuckles and goes to kiss my cheek when Isu steals my kiss. "IsU!" She giggles and I laugh very offended. "That was mine!"

"No! I knew him longer!" She giggles and I turn to Kuroo with a pout which just makes him chuckle and pat my head. "She's right sweetie I knew her longer."

"YeAh BuT i'M yOuR fUtUrE hUsBaNd-!" He shoves a piece of pancake in my mouth and I huff as I turn back to the table. Isu giggles as she jumps on my lap and hugs my chest. "Okay you can have him~"

"I can?"


"Awe thank youEvenThoughHeWasMineFirst!" I fake smile and she giggles as Kuroo just shakes his head at me. "Oh- The twins-"

"I'll get them!" Isu hops onto Kuroo's lap and Kuroo looks at me slightly shocked. "You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure."

I know I've always leaned more towards just getting loads of plants and animal and no kids but I can Kuroo really wants children... And I guess I'm not completely offended by the idea, so I'm going to try and take advantage of this situation as much as possible to see if I'd really like it or not. I mean this is serious. What if I can't handle being a father for even four days and never want to do it again but Kuroo wants kids?


What if we break up because I don't want children? I know we both say we're going to be together forever but this is really serious.

I walk into the twins room and smile when I see them reading a book. "Ah you're awake!" I speak cheerfully and the two year olds both look at me confused. "I'm with uncle Kuroo."

"You are?"

"Yeah he's in the lounge waiting for you guys so we can eat pancakes."

"PANCAKEESSSS!" They surprisingly grab a hand each and I'm the one that gets dragged into the lounge and basically chucked on Kuroo so they can eat all the pancakes without us stopping them. I make a surprised pikachu face when one of them bites one of my pancakes and just sit there shocked and sad before Kuroo speaks again. "Those aren't yours Raven. You too Robin those aren't your pancakes. Put them down." I look at Kuroo with the shocked face now at the strict tone before he strokes my bed hair oitnofnmy face. "There you go-" He laughs when he sees my expression and punches my shoulder. "Why are you so shocked?!"

"...Nothin'. Thank you for the pancakes and ice cream." I pat his head and he smiles before we all start stuffing our face with breakfast.

Soulless | Haikyuu!! fic | OC male POV |Where stories live. Discover now