Backstory: Dove of Diamonds

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When you are born, you have a tattoo under your left eye of whichever Suit you were born under.

When Dove was born, she had a diamond under her eye. She was born the daughter of a merchant. Most people under the Diamonds Suit were. Since there was no sexual bias, her mother and father wanted her to also become a merchant or a housewife.

Dove, however, didn't want to be either. She found no interest in money and when she was young she never experienced a 'crush' and had no romantic interest in anyone. What she really wanted to do was perform. Whether it be dancing or singing, acting or painting, she just loved the idea of showing herself and her creations to the world.

Her parents did not like that. They would either tell her that she'd have to pursue the family business, or that she'd have to settle down with a good husband and have children. As previously mentioned, there was no sexual bias in the world during this time, but her parents had very strict views on what she should be doing with her life.

After being told this for the umpteenth time, she ran into the woods. She stayed there for hours, singing, dancing, drawing in the dirt with a stick. Anything that she pleased. And at the end of it all, she cried. She cried about the fact that her parents wouldn't let her have any control over her life. She cried because she wasn't allowed to do the things she loved to do. She cried for about 15 minutes.

Her cries ceased eventually. She got up and walked around the woods to calm herself down before she inevitably had to return home. She stopped in her tracks as she saw an injured bird in a tree. As she got closer to the bird, she saw that it was a dove. It was white with a peach-colored underbelly.  She stalked over to the tree silently, as not to disturb the bird. She picked up the dove gently, holding it close to her as she walked slowly back to her house.

She concluded that the poor thing was injured in a crossfire between all the Suits. If it wasn't for the war she probably would be able to pursue her passions. When she got back home, she immediately started treating the dove. A few weeks later the dove was healed and she tried to set it free. But it wouldn't leave. It was like it wanted to stay with her. She allowed it and she named the dove Bamboo.

When she turned 18 and was legally considered an adult, her parents tried to force her into a marriage because she refused to become a merchant. When she heard that she was being forced to marry someone she'd never met before, she hurriedly rushed to pack her things, grabbing Bamboo with her and she left during the dead of night, not looking back. She wandered around aimlessly, only staying where she could find shelter or food.

This stupid war is ruining everything. If it wasn't for all this fighting I could do what I want, without being restricted by my parents' idea of what my life should be like. I wish this war would end already...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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