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Lots of people wait around "for the right time". People don't know that there is no such thing as a right time. Time is never right nor wrong. The only negative factor of time is that you can lose it and the only positive factor of time is that you can seize it.
― C. JoyBell C.


"Do you ever think-" Bean's words were slurred but Luci could still understand them. "D'you ever think that we're not really here, y'know? Like, here in this bar right now." And Luci almost laughed. Almost.

"You're drunk Bean, and that's kinda fucking awesome." He leaned forward in his seat, too far forward because he was also pretty damn drunk. His snout hit the table and somewhere in his tipsy haze it registered as funny, despite the pain. He snorted, straightening up and grinning into his drink. "So, where are we, Bean?"

It was going to be a good answer, it had to be. Bean was generally hilarious when she hit this level of drunk. It was two beers after 'singing bawdy tavern songs' drunk and still seven drinks until 'puking her guts out' drunk. It was the perfect level of drunk. Luci would have nudged Elfo, to rub his handiwork in the elf's face, but at some point Elfo had passed out and rolled onto the floor under the table. That was too far for Luci to go for a bit of gloating, especially when he was preoccupied with drinking and laughing.

Bean's expression was weird. Not her usual weird when she was plastered. It was something else. She had a wide haunted look in her eyes that Luci had never seen outside of the chapel on her wedding day, sharing communion wine. It was the look of someone who'd flown past the drunken stupor and straight to introspection. "What if we were everywhere?"

The demon wasn't sure whether to laugh or not, he was spared having to decide as Bean continued.

"I mean, how do we know we even exist? Like, are we even here? Right now? What if we're not? I mean... not right now. What if time doesn't even exist?" She fell back into her chair, mug lolling in her fingers and drenching the floor as Bean stared at the ceiling, her expression blank.

For just a moment, for some bizarre alcohol-fueled reason, Luci wanted her to keep talking. He needed to hear whatever prattling thing she was trying to say.

For just a moment, it felt important. Vital, even.

What if time doesn't exist?

What a notion. What a notion indeed.


Luci barely remembered anything the next day, even when Bean was lamenting over forgetting something profound. Luci was having too much fun watching Elfo navigate through his hangover. The elf was stumbling and squinting, leaving Luci thoroughly unimpressed.

"You're seriously that hung over? Man, you barely had anything to drink last night! Pfff! Lightweight."

Elfo looked at him sidelong, bleary but not missing the insult directed at him. "I'm afraid I'm too busy to be insulted right now," his voice was soft, uncertain. Polite but still infuriatingly dismissive, for all that. "I'm going to go find a bucket now..."

As he wobbled off, Luci felt a sharp sensation beneath his rib cage, his clawed fingers flexing at the air as he tried to fight down the surge of tight rage in his gut. He wasn't even sure why he was angry.

"Hey!" He bristled, tail held stiff and high behind him. "Don't walk away while I'm talking to you!" Elfo paused and Luci was never sure afterward -

or maybe he was, maybe he would be

- if Elfo's expression when he looked over his shoulder at Luci was sad or just sickly from the hangover. Neither would have been out of place. Luci was certain he hadn't said anything, at least. Pretty sure.

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