Chapter 3

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*3rd person pov*

Travis froze, recognizing the monotone voice outside his stall.

"No duh, fuckwad. Buzz off." He grumbled, wiping tears off his face.

"Travis?" Sal asked. Travis froze. How did he know?

"...yeah, why? Why do you care? Just leave me alone. You hate me, right? I've been nothing but terrible to you." He bit his lip.
"You shouldn't care. Just go." He pulled his feet to his chest and buried his face in his knees.

"Travis, I don't hate you. I know you must have a reason for the things you do." Travis was silent with shock. Sal continued, "Now, could you please some out so we can talk face to face?" Travis hesitated a bit, but decided, what was the worst that could happen? He slowly cracked the door open to see the small boy had stood up and was standing about a foot away. Travis shut the stall door awkwardly behind him, rubbing the back of his neck. Sal sighed and took Trav's hands in his.

"Talk to me. What's wrong?" Travis felt tears prick his eyes. He tried to wipe them away with his shoulder, but he couldn't. The tears fell as he explained to Sal what he'd been crying about. Well... Somewhat.

"I shouldn't treat you the way I do. I'm... I'm a monster, Sally Face." He sighed and dropped Sal's hands. "I don't know how to feel anymore. My dad tells me that you and your group are nothing but sinning flamers, but I don't know. You've been so nice to me even though I was so horrible to you today." He gasped, bringing his hands to his mouth.

"...What?" Sal asked, tilting his head slightly. The small movement caused his pigtails to shift and fall in his face.

"I punched you today! Oh my gosh, are you ok?!" He frantically fiddled with his hands, not knowing what to do. Sal sighed a sigh of relief; he had thought that Travis was going to say something else. He wasn't sure what that "something" was, but whatever.

"Hey man, calm down. I'm fine." He chuckled lightly. "Ash checked. Just a little blood, nothing serious." Sal stopped himself from saying he'd received worse. Travis  stopped fidgeting and took a deep breath. Just then, the bell rang.


Word count: 383 words

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