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Yue's POV

My sleep was cut short when I heard my phone buzzing non stop. I guess its important coz it won't stop ringing like an alarm forcing me to open my eyes and be awake. Without opening my eyes I reached for my phone on the bed side table and answer it without looking who's calling.

"Yes?" I answered with my still sleepy voice.
"Good morning Ms. Shen.. I'm sorry to disturb you but I'd like to remind you of your very important meeting today." The formal voice on the other line said. The voice is familiar to me. As I tried to open my eyes and blinked profusely, I also force myself to be a normal person for the day.
"Good morning! Is it today?"
"Yes Ms. Shen. Do you want me to prepare everything for you?"
"No Darren.. I can manage, thank you!"
"Have a good day Ms. Shen!" Then the other line died.

After that call, I rose from bed and prepared for my morning routine. I made my own coffee, cooked my own breakfast and cleaned my own dishes, I live alone so I should work everything on my own. Wearing my usual favorite outfit, a black ripped jeans, with white plain shirt, a black leather jacket and a black ankle boots, I am ready to roll for the day.

"Good morning baby!" I greeted my most favorite thing on earth, my Red Ducati Panigale. I geared myself with a helmet and rode my motorbike to life and go out to do the errands for the day.

"Good morning Ms. Shen!" The lady in the flowershop greeted but I didn't bother to respond.
"Good morning Yue!" The lady greeted me happily again and I smiled at her.
"Good morning too Lucy!" I responded happily. Then she smiled. I really don't like people addressing me as Miss. Its uncomfortable, except for Darren who doesn't care at all when I am pissed.
"Flowers for today?" She asked.
"Yep! The usual." I said and waited for her to prepare what I needed, then she handed me bouquet of Lily's for this very day. 

As I arrived at my destination with the bouquet of flowers, I parked by motorbike to the nearest spot. And as I walked past the different tombstones, I stopped to the one's very familiar. In this familiar granite tombstones, laid my parents grave. It's their seventh year death anniversary today and it's also my seventh year of grieving, torturing and blaming myself  for their death. As I kneeled and bow to them, a lone tear escaped my eyes remembering that I am left with nothing. Alone. I closed my eyes and prayed for the souls of my beloved and I always ask them to take me with them but it's been seven damn years of my fucked up life, here I am still breathing and fighting my own life to live and I still visit them and keep asking the same thing over and over again. But nothing happens.

I breath heavily when I felt my heart ached of that thought, and when I opened my eyes, I smiled.

"I miss you both.. and I love you." I said and smiled looking at the names printed on the tombstone and caressed it. But there's one thing that caught my attention, three stems of  white roses are laid on top of my parents tomb. For the last seven years that I've been visiting my parents here, this is the first time I saw some other flowers offered for them. I thought about Darren but I know he wouldn't offer white roses here, he even barely visit his masters. I sniffed and tried to look around if there are familiar faces I know and friends or family friends that's been visiting my parents but no one familiar is around.

"Did I come too early today? I haven't seen anyone visiting you before." I said nonchalantly speaking to the grave, like it will answer my question. I sighed and stood up looking down to the grave.
"See you guys again next year, happy death anniversary." I said sarcastically and about to turn my back when a baritone voice molded my ears.

"Yue? Shen Yue?" The voice echoed. I searched for that person and when his eyes settled on mine he called me again.
"Shen Yue!" He said happily. My brows furrowed at the handsome man in front of me who's smiling and happiness is written over his handsome face and running towards me ready to give me a hug but I stepped backwards. He tried reaching out for my hand but I keep stepping back.
"How are you? How have you been? I mean it's been seven long years. I've been looking for you everywhere and now finally I found you! I didn't exp-...
"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I cut him off making him confused. So am I.
"Yo-you don't know m-me?" He asked confused, hurt and stuttering.
"I wouldn't ask if I do.." I said honestly.
"Don't you remember me? We're part.. we're friends, very close friends so as our parents!" He said happily. Anger build inside me when he mentioned my parents. Friends? I should've known but I don't remember this man in front of me.
"Look, mister. I'm sorry but I don't know you. And I don't have friends. We're not friends." I said bluntly and about to leave when he grab hold of my arm to stop me.

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