Chapter 2

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Yue's POV

We are on the way to the airport now, one of my father's private planes is waiting for us, and today we will be flying to London for this successorship training. Even if it's against my will, as a good daughter and the only heiress of the family, I don't have a choice at all so better yet endure this thing. While on the road, my mind traveled to what I did two days ago. It was not a good plan and it was definitely a bold move. I kissed the asshole Wang He Jun in front of many people and in front of his girl! Good thing, no tabloids were released about that, and I'd be doomed if there were news circulating about it. I sighed deeply thinking of what will happen now? A few days from now, or when my feet touch London, I'll be with Wang He Jun and for the whole year, I will be dealing with him. Why am I the only one child to get this hierarchy? I don't want this; I just want to live a normal life and a happy one. I didn't even get a boyfriend before taking over my father's and it saddened me thinking that, for the next days too, I will no longer live free, I will be caged, I will be monitored, I will be living with the rules. But the good thing there is, I'm not the only one who will suffer from this, and thinking about that makes me more miserable. Does he feel the same way too? I guess so. We both hate each other anyway.

Wang He Jun, the only person I'll be training with. I know there will be consultants and confidants who will train us but still, leaving alone in the sky house with that brute, makes me want to curse life. I don't have a choice and it sucks! Damn it! After two days since we last saw each other, I thought about things in between. There's this feeling inside of me that urges to be friends with him, but I know better, I'm not friendly that's why I don't have friends at all, except Darren who puts up with me, he doesn't have a choice either, he's my butler. Nah, making friends with Wang He Jun is impossible, both of us are rude and he's egoistic, so I'd better ignore him. I'm good at that, I ignore people a lot. But the other side of me thought about getting even with him, as to what I did to him two days ago, I would expect him to take his revenge but I really don't care. The thing is, I felt something in me when I kissed him. I know, I shouldn't be feeling this but it just happened and when I felt my heart beating that fast and pounding hard like it's going to burst, I know there's something wrong and I don't want that to feel again. So, therefore, I should stay away from him instead of plotting how to destroy him or even getting close and be friends with him. I should just ignore him and the rest of the year will be easy for me. Yeah, that's right... What's done is done, past is past and I should move forward and forget. I'll try my best to ignore him, but what if he pesters me? Hmmm depends... If he pisses me off than that's it. I won't let it go.

I took out my headphones and shuffled my playlists into electro music with loud beats, I almost groove to the beat and this will do for the rest of the flight. I saw our plane on standby while some people are waiting for our arrival. Soon as I stepped out from the car, I scoffed to see the insolent brute standing lazily next to the airstairs talking to a guy, the same age as his who looked like a jackass. I laughed inwardly, his kind belongs to jackasses and he's friends with them, what a loser! I sighed then my attention goes to Darren who stood in front of me, looking at me deeply. I took off my headphones for us to talk. He wouldn't be joining me for this trip but he will be in London after six months to assist me with the successorship.

"Yes?" I asked.
"You take care there Ms Shen.." He said. He's being my butler. I gave him a small smile but what melts my heart is when he hugged me. I stilled but remembered that he's my friend for a very long time, like a brother to me. As he hugged me tightly I gave him a hug too, then he whispered.

"Guard your heart, Yue." he whispered and pulled away. My brows furrowed as I looked at him with his serious face. What does he mean? My heart? My heart is good. I don't have heart disease or something. Then he smiled, that kind of smile which makes me comfortable, a very friendly smile.
"Thanks Darren.. I'll miss you." I said and smiled.

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