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"Good news, Jimin..."

Namjoon was in a good mood, as he and Jimin were headed to an informatory meeting regarding an upcoming award show. He turned to face the still newly awoken Jimin, who was resting his head against the car window.

"Everything with your new guard has worked out. I just got word you'll get to meet him this afternoon."

Jimin blinked a few times, searching his mind.

"New guard?"

"Please don't tell me you weren't paying attention when I told you about him..." Namjoon said, his eyes slightly widened.

A frown grew apparent on Jimin's face, trying to remember to the best of his abilities.

Lately, he had been forgetting things. Mixing things up. Having to be dragged out of bed by his manager, since his own body just wouldn't cooperate.

"Haven't you already put in a bunch of extra security around the headquarters? And the dance studio? And everywhere else?" he questioned, squinting his eyes as the beaming rays of the morning sun fell over his face.

"This is not just a security staff, Jimin... He's gonna be your lifeguard. He'll follow you wherever you go, whenever you move... You know you need it, at least for the time being."

Jimin let a deep sigh escape his lips, before facing Namjoon.

"Isn't that like, a little weird? 'Follow me everywhere'?"

"You'll get used to it. We've even arranged for him to live close to you, so he'll always be ready to go with you when you're headed somewhere."

Jimin let his head fall back to collide with the seat, while closing his eyes.

"You can't be serious..." he questioned, "My only almost-neighbors are gonna be my manager and my lifeguard? That's so pathetic..."

"You be quiet," Namjoon muttered, "You know you love living close to me. Plus, it won't be forever, Jimin. This is just right now, after everything that's been going on."

"Fine, I guess..."

Taehyung liked new beginnings.

He liked moving on. It wasn't necessarily the new  that appealed to him, as much as letting go of the old.

Letting out a deep exhale, he let his eyes slowly wander around his almost emptied apartment. The forenoon sun warmed the otherwise cold atmosphere to the point of almost making it look like a home.

Yet it didn't.

As a matter of fact, he was surprised to see all the moving boxes surrounding him. He was so sure he barely owned anything. Why bother, he always thought. 

While awaiting the moving company that would come to pick up all his things, he brought up his phone to do a quick Google search. Might as well be prepared, he figured, as he started typing.

[   Park Jimin    SEARCH   ]

"...You'll be up after VIXX performs their new single, Jimin. They're gonna do this extravagant performance that's just gonna blow everyone's mind, so we should probably do something a little more personal for you..."

Jimin tried to fight the urge to lay his head down on the table and doze off, as he was listening to everything being said at the meeting. He politely nodded when people talked him through the schedule, trying to ask questions every now and then to show his dedication.

"Sorry," he said to someone whose name he had already forgotten, "Won't it make us look bad if they do an extravagant performance, and then I walk out with nothing much to show?"

That should be enough involvement for now, Jimin thought to himself.

However, Namjoon saw right through his act. He discreetly grabbed Jimin's cup of coffee and brought it closer to him, motioning for him to drink it. Jimin turned it down right away. He just wanted to get this meeting over with so he could go back to sleep in the car afterward.

"People are in love with your charisma, Jimin. You just need to go out there and flirt a little with the cameras, and everyone will be sold. Plus, you'll have your dancers and your new stage set-up, so it shouldn't be a problem," the person continued, "It's better to do something with a stark contrast to their performance, so people won't compare the two."

Jimin put on a wide smile and nodded politely.

Truthfully, he didn't really care.

He cared about putting on a good show for his fans. He cared about being his absolute best. He looked forward to being met by a crowd chanting his name, giving him strength. 

Getting to see the faces of some of the many people he felt in his heart, was something Jimin never got tired of.

The details of it weren't that big of a deal, he found.

"Thank you very much," Namjoon said excitedly, getting up to shake a nicely dressed Kim Seokjin's hand, "...Always a pleasure."

"Likewise," Seokjin answered, winking to Namjoon before following the organizers out of the room. Left were Jimin and his very content manager.

"Will you two just get married already?" Jimin muttered before letting out a deep yawn.

"Will you just grow up already?" Namjoon teased back while gathering their stuff.

"What does he even do? He just shows up everywhere all the time to flirt with you."

"He does no such thing," Namjoon protested, "He recently started working at our agency. I guess he does...important things... I don't know, okay?"

Jimin merely chuckled as a response, letting his head finally collide with the very longed-for table in front of him.

"It really doesn't look good if you don't know the people working with you. We're gonna have to do something about that."

"You just want an excuse to spend time with Kim Handsome," Jimin mumbled into the table, his eyes closed.

"Get up," Namjoon said, changing the subject, "You can sleep in the car before dance practice."

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