chapter eight.

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Everything was a blur.

With his guitar slung across his back and the wheels of his skateboard rolling across the pavement, ricky moved quicker than he ever had before. There were hot tears that were spilling out onto his already flushed skin. He didn't understand why he was so upset over this. They were twelve years old when she left, it was nearly six years ago. Ricky thought he'd gotten over it years ago, he'd just gotten used to her not being around anymore. But now she was back and all that emotion he'd never gotten closure on had resurfaced.

He was so caught up in his own head that he almost didn't notice the person that was walking right towards him. He stopped himself as quickly as he could, stopping right in front of the guys feet.

"Sorry, man, i didn't mean to almost run you over," he apologized running a hand through his thick curls. The guy seemed a bit older and ricky had never seen him in the neighborhood before. A big camera hung around his neck.

"Hey, do you happen to know if Nini Salazar Roberts lives in this neighborhood?" the guy asked, raising an eyebrow at the young boy.

Just the sound of her name made ricky scoff. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, the girl you're looking for lives right over there," he said pointing at her house. "I gotta go, good luck with her," he said snarkily before walking a few houses down to his own. What ricky didn't see was the guy pulling out his phone to send out a message that was going to backfire on ricky in the long run.


Nini had spent the rest of the evening at a pizza place in downtown with her new, and old, friends. For once she was content. She'd never really felt like a normal kid. Ever since she left for hollywood, everything changed for her. Her teenage years, taken away from her in order to maintain the perfect image.

She was snapped back to reality by her cell phone buzzing in her purse. It was a message from her moms' telling her that she should head home soon. They were going to be out of town for the night, but they really wanted to make sure she was in at a reasonable time for her early start tomorrow. She sent a text back letting them know she'd be heading home pretty soon, before sliding her phone back into her purse.

"Hey guys, i should probably get going, it's starting to get dark and i have an early morning tomorrow... but we should definitely do this again soon," she smiled sweetly, sliding herself out of the booth. She went around giving hugs and exchanging numbers before waving goodbye as she walked out of the doors.

The sky was just starting to turn that dark blue. The kind where the stars were just barely becoming visible. As nini turned onto her street, she was shocked to see so many people outside in their neighborhood. She wondered why there were so many people hanging outside right now.

As she got closer to her house, she realized how big of a mistake she'd made.

"THERE SHE IS," voices screamed. Paparazzi and fans came running towards her. Tonight was not the night to give her bodyguard a night off. "How do they even know where i live?" she muttered under her breath, looking for a way out of this terrible situation.

Nini clutched her purse into her and put her head down, trying her best to move through the crowd of people. Paparazzi had always been the worst. They're the kind of people that just want to get a good story no matter what the costs are.






Nini's breaths were becoming quick and short. She closed her eyes shut and stood frozen, hoping everyone would just disappear. She'd never been amazing with these situations but in the past year or so, her anxiety had gotten worse and this situation was not helping her one bit. Her cheeks were hot and tears were streaming down them.

"Hey, get out of here or im calling the police," a voice threatened. That got everyone's attention. That was enough to send people packing their things quickly. Nini felt a hand on her back.

"Come on, Sweetheart. Let's get you inside," the voice said. Nini followed, her small frame shaking, her breathing still not under control. When nini was fully able to take in her surroundings, she saw that she wasn't in her own house.

"Do you need some water," Mike asked, concern filling his face. Nini shook her head furiously.

"Ricky, get her water.. NOW," he said to his son who was just staring in shock at nini who was now sitting in his living room. He quickly rushed into the kitchen to grab a glass of water nearly running back into the living room to give his dad the glass.

Mike sat next to nini, an arm around her, trying to calm her down. She took small shaky sips of water until she could finally calm down, just a little bit.

"Are your moms home?" mike asked her, taking the glass from her hands and setting it on the table. Ricky stood in the doorway watching, wondering if this was all his fault.

"N-no, they're n-not. T-they're out of town for the night," nini said, still trying to catch her breath. "B-but it's okay, I can head home now since it's probably clear," she said, going to stand up but mike stopped her.

"Nonsense, you're staying here. Those people are crazy. You can go back to your house when your moms are home," he told her. "I'm going to go set the guest bedroom up, ricky, get her a change of clothes, please," he said, disappearing up the stairs leaving the two alone in the living room.


GOSH these nect two chapters I wrote im in love with! It was realyl emotional writing them because i love the characters of nini and ricky and i really wanted to give them some depth! 

PLEASE let me know what you're thinking about the book so far. I love hearing what you guys have to say about it. 

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