Episode Three, Part 6:

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Episode Three, Part 6:

A r e   Y o u   W i t h   m e ? 

Sol had been walking for miles, constantly aware of her surroundings - worried if Targo or Riders were somewhere nearby, watching her. 

Eventually, she had reached the borders of Blood Woods, drifting in and out the trees, catching sight of Blood Riders every other moment. She knew she needed to speak to Noah before even another day could pass, but getting to him would be the problem: she couldn't walk up to the gates without being seen, let alone without being shot... 

Sol brought her hand up to her mouth, biting down on her nails, desperately trying to come up with an idea. Everything was resting on this conversation. She had to see Noah. 

As she paced around, trying to find her answer, her hand made it's way to the gun latched onto her waist-band. Sol held it in front of her, trying to predict her own thoughts. 

It was too far away to get a good enough shot in past the gates, and neither was it it the type of gun to use for long distances. Even if it was, initiating an attack would do Basilisk no favors. So what was she doing? 

Sol looked over at one of the trees on the edge of where the forest ended. She glanced it up and down, searching for bumps and branches that stuck out. Peering over at the others, it was evident she wasn't spoiled for choice. 

Sighing, she walked over and hoisted herself up the tree, cutting herself several times on the rough twigs sticking out. Once she was secure enough, and out of sight from anyone that could potentially be walking beneath her, Sol pulled her gun out once again, aiming it towards Blood Riders. 

She had to be precise: they had twice as many guardsmen as Basilisk - and that was before the virus took out half of her people, and one wrong move could be fatal for those who survived... 

A sharp intake of breath, she closed one eye, and fired. 

The bullet hit the wooden barriers beside the gates, wedging deep inside the fence, not enough strength to pierce through. Just as she had wanted. 

Though her view was partially obstructed, Sol could make out the commotion beginning to arise as more and more people moved from their stations to inspect Sol's target. Within minutes, the gates to Blood Riders were opened, and a young scapegoat was sent out to inspect the shooter. 

Sol watched from her position as the young boy wandered around below her. She couldn't make out his face, but there was something familiar about him. 

"Jonas?" Sol breathed out, squinting in disbelief as she tried to get a closer look. 

The boy froze in his tracks, looking around to see who was there, his heavy breathing loud enough for Sol to hear in the trees. 

"It's just me. It's Riverly." She told him, raising her voice a little so he could hear. "I'm up here." 

Jonas turned around, glancing around until he noticed movement coming from the branches. "Riverly?" He asked, his voice shaking as if he was worried he was being lied to. 

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