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🖊️JOHN LOCKE - tabularasa, empiricism: "Father of Liberalism"

🖊️FRANCIS BACON - "Father of Scientific Method" "Father of Empiricism"

🖊️JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU - "Hollistic Education" (Physical, Moral, Intellectual): Nature of child

🖊️ EDGAR DALE - "Cone of Experience" aka "Father of Modern Media in Education"

🖊️ ERIK ERICKSON - Psychosocial Development Theory

🖊️ EDWARD LEE THORNDIKE - Theory of Connectionism "satisfaction" "the law of effect, readiness, and exercise". "Father of Modern Educational Psychology"

🖊️ FRIEDRICH FROBEL - "Father of Kindergarten"

🖊️ JOHANN HERBART - Founder of pedagogy as an academic discipline

🖊️ JOHANN HEINRICH PESTALOZZI - symmetrical and harmonious devt of child: motto "Learning by head, hand and heart"


🖊️ SIGMUND FREUD - Psychosexual, Psychoanalytic; "Father of Modern Psychology"

🖊️ WILHELM WOUNDT - German Psychologist "Father of Modern Psychology"

🖊️ JOHN DEWEY - Learning by doing: Education for all

🖊️ DAVID FROEBEL - Father of Kindergarten

🖊️ IVAN PAVLOV - Classical Conditioning: Involuntary behavior

🖊️ BURRHUS FREDERIC SKINNER - Operant Conditioning: Operate, Reinforcement, Reward

🖊️ JEAN PIAGET - Cognitivist/Cognitive Development Theory, Info Processing, Dynamic Interrelation

🖊️ DAVID AUSUBEL - Meaningful Learning Environment Theory, Graphic Organizer, Assumption

🖊️ WILLIAM KOHLER - Insight Learning Theory

🖊️ LAWRENCE KOHLBERG - Moral Development Theory

🖊️ ALBERT BANDURA - Modeling/Imitate: Social Learning Theory, "bobo doll experiment", neo-behaviorism

🖊️ ROBERT GAGNE - Commutative Learning Theory: Sequence of Instruction

🖊️ ABRAHAM MASLOW - Hierarchy of needs, Motivation Theory

🖊️ BROFENBRENNER'S - Ecological System Theory (Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem)

🖊️ BENJAMIN BLOOM - Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy

🖊️ DAVID KRATHWOHL - Affective Domain

🖊️ SIMPSONS/ANITA HARROW - Psychomotor Domain

🖊️ JEROME BRUNER - Discovery Learning Theory/Inquiry Method: Scaffolding Theory: Constructivist, Spiral Curriculum, Instrumental Conceptualism

🖊️ LYV VYGOTSKY - Constructivist: Social Constructivism; Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) : More Knowledgeable Others (MKO)

🖊️ EDGAR DALE - Cone of Experience (20% remember)

🖊️ HOWARD GARDNER - Multiple Intelligence

🖊️ JOHN FLAVEL - Metacognition

🖊️ JOHN WATSON - Behavioral Theory: "Father of Behaviorism", Psychological School of Behaviorism

🖊️ KURT LEWIN - The Father of Social  Psychology, his work pioneered the use of scientific methods to study social behavior

🖊️ CHARLES DARWIN - Theories to mental characteristics as human think, feel and behave ("Evolutionary Psychology")

🖊️ WILLIAM SHELDON - Physiological

🖊️ MAX WERTHEIMER - Gestalt Psychology

🖊️ WOLFGANG RATKE - Used vernacular for approaching the class

🖊️ EDWARD TOLMAN - Purposive Behaviorism and Goal Oriented

🖊️ PLATO - Idealist/Idealism (own ideas) nothing exist except in the mind of a man.

🖊️ ARISTOTLE - Realist/Realism (experience) mastery of organized subject matter

🖊️ CUNFUCIOS - Great Philosopher, Analects, Golden Rule, Society, name (essence) rule.

🖊️MENCIUS - Idealistic wing of confucianism; Love covers all (good, right)

🖊️ HZUN TZU - Realistic wing of confucianism

🖊️ LAO TZU - Taoism: Go with the flow

🖊️ BOWLBY - Attachment Theory

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