Sirius, Bee, and Remus were in the common room. Somehow, it was just them. That was very weird for a saturday. Sirius reached out and traced her scar. It was fairly close to her cleavage. She got goose bumps and started blushing. Remus looked up and rolled his eyes. Sirius realized and quickly looked down.
"You're fine, Padsy"
They stared into eachothers eyes for a second.
"Don't kiss. Don't kiss. Don't kiss." Remus repeated.
They quickly turned to see he had set his book down.
"Dang, forgot you were there"
Bee looked shocked and she slapped Sirius on the arm. She giggled at his face and hugged him. He was confused but hugged back.
"James is gonna be angry"
"I literally just hugged him, Remy. It's not a big deal."
James walked in and Bee quickly scooted to the other side of the couch. Remus chuckled and shook his head.
"Hey, what did I miss?"
"Nothing!" The two said in unison
Peter walked in and sat in between Sirius and Bee.
"What did you guys do!?" He asked
"They didn't do anything James, I was here the whole time"
"See? You need to trust me around her."
"He's right Jamesy. Just because we're close doesn't mean that he's sexually attracted to me. That's not how it works."
The boys looked kinda shocked. James didn't really know how to reply.
"What? I was just saying the truth. If you need me, I'll be outside."
She walked outside and sat next to the Black Lake. She heard footsteps and looked up to see Sirius.
She scooted over so he could sit by her.
"This is a small bench" he laughed
"Yeah it is" She giggled
He slowly put his arm around her shoulder. She blushed and looked at him.
He started to pull his arm away but she stopped him.
"You're fine, Padsy"
She rested her head on his shoulder
"Hey Padsy?"
"Why have you been acting different lately?"
He was silent.
"Do you like me?"
She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. He slowly nodded. She smiled
"Good. I like you too. I told Lily that a few weeks ago"
They sat there for a few seconds before Bee leaned in. They kissed for a few seconds. Sirius had his hands on her waist and she had her hands on his face.
Sirius jumped to his feet
"Jamesy stop! It's not what it seems!"
"Oh, so Sirius didn't just snog you"
"I kissed him"
James was shocked.
James looked disgusted for a second
"I knew it. I knew you were gonna do something. There was no way you guys were just friends."
James turned around and stormed off.
"So Mousy, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course I will. And my name is not Mousy"
"Whatever you say, Mousy"

FanfictionBee Potter is James Potter's younger twin sister. She quickly becomes a Marauder. Her animagus form is a fox. She tries to help Harry many years later.