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(Marauders Era)

"Come on Mousy, you'll be late."
Sirius always teased Bee by calling her Mousy. To be fair, she was a foot shorter than everyone else.
"That's not my name Sirius"
He shrugged and ran off with the rest of them.
"Hey Bee"
"Oh, hey Lily"
"Come on, I don't want you to be late!"
Lily grabbed Bee hy the arm and they speed walked past the boys. Bee heard James talking about Lily as they walked past.
"You're disgusting Jamesy"
"Atleast people like me"
Bee rolled her eyes and walked into the classroom. A few minutes later, Sirius walked in and sat by her as usual. After a little bit, Bee felt Sirius poke her side. She jumped and glared at him.
"What do you want?" She whispered yelled
He took her hand and put a note in it.


Full moon tonight.


She nodded at Sirius and wrote a response


K. My name is not Mousy.


He read the note and chuckled quietly. Bee felt something touch her hood and she realized it was James. She pulled a note out and read it.


Tell Padfoot to stop flirting with you, it's making me sick. You're off limits for him.


She rolled her eyes and crumpled up the note. She turned around and shook her head at James.
"Hes not flirting with me" She whispered
"Yes he is. He likes flirting with women, all women. Probably you aswell"
"Ms. Potter, face the front!"
"Sorry professor"
"You're fine. Just pay attention."
She got out a piece of parchment and wrote another note.

My obnoxious brother,

You got me in trouble, happy? Padfoot.was.not.flirting.with.me.


James read the note and stuffed it away.
"Every guy flirts with her, it's obvious. I'm not letting some greasy jerk touch my sister" He whispered to Remus
She blushed and shook her head, still facing the front of the room.

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