Bee walked to the top of the stairs and looked down. James, Remus, Sirius, and Lily were talking on the couch. Lily was sitting on James lap and Remus and Sirius were across from them. Peter went home for the holidays. She yawned and all of them looked up at her.
"Morning sis, Merry Christmas" James said
"Merry Christmas everyone"
She walked downstairs and sat on Sirius' lap sleepily.
"Oh come one" Remus said and everyone laughed
"I'm sorry Remy"
"Do you guys want to go get some breakfast?"After breakfast, the group decided to go outside in the snow. Remus, Lily, and Bee were making a snowman while Sirius and James were having a snowball fight.
"Hes amazing!" Bee announced
"What are we gonna name him?"
"Wilbur" Lily suggested
There were loud footsteps and Bee turned around just as James smashed a ton of snow in her face
"Bee I'm so sorry! I meant to smash it on your head! You weren't supposed to turn!" James laughed
Be wiped the snow off and it was red. James grabbed her face and made her look at him
"Oh Bee, you have a bloody nose" Lily said walking over to her.
"I am so sorry Bee"
"You're fine Jamesy"
Sirius walked over and saw the red snow
"What the heck happened!?"
"I'm gonna go inside"
"That's a good idea"
"Baby girl, what happened?"
"James tried to smash snow on my head but I turned and he hit me in the face"
"My poor baby"
He hugged her tightly
"You're acting like he cut my arm off, I'm fine honey"
"Stop with the pet names, I'm gonna vomit"
"James you look pale, I think it's the blood. Not the romance" Lily giggledEveryone exchanged gifts, Sirius got Bee a beautiful necklace. It had S♡B engraved on it.
"Today was wonderful, thank you Sirius"
"I love you Bee Potter"
"I love you too Sirius Black"

FanfictionBee Potter is James Potter's younger twin sister. She quickly becomes a Marauder. Her animagus form is a fox. She tries to help Harry many years later.