Chapter 46: Obie's Decision

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Obie's walk to the car was longer than she anticipated. The distance wasn't the problem. The conflict resided in Obie's feelings as the stability of her past and present life began to wane over time. She felt as if she was dragged through the motions of discoveries she didn't intend on looking for. In turn, the sentiment translated through her body and took its time in actual existence. Sooner or later, Obie had to force the perception that she couldn't slow her pace to avoid the rushing speed of new information.

Life was too complicated to ever be on her side.

Obie reached the car, allowing Burrito to crawl on the seats before sliding in. She, immediately, slammed her head on the wheel.



One more wouldn't hurt.

"Welcome back."

Obie looked back, brusquely.

The vampire was sitting in the middle of the backseat with his legs crossed. His hair slung over messily in gigantic waves and poured down his strong shoulder blade. He cupped his chin under both palms and settled his tender contemplation upon her.

"It's wrong?" he asked.

Smoothing Burrito's tensed body into the passenger seat, Obie heaved a sigh. "No. You're right."

He was surprisingly calm and seemed at peace with his now worn books. She surprised he wasn't hyped with fury, because she was in trouble.

Obie forced an interest, in spite of the new situation she had to confront. "Found a new phrase?"

"Yes. I did." He said pompously.

"That's good. You're learning very fast. We're going back to the bookstore." Obie started the car. "Can you tell me what you learned?"

Using inhuman speed, he picked up a random book and began spouting off his new knowledge.

Obie began driving, placing well-put phrases to value the vampire's attempt in learning. She'll have to admit he was learning faster than she expected. She acknowledged his endowment in development, but it was still a surprise to her. He was a vampire who could barely speak before they met. And yet, he was advancing for someone who practically mimicked the education of a toddler. Ever since he was around her.

Even so, his enhancement was a minor speck on her window of concentration. The topic of her mother's deceit and missing memories were barraging her awareness. As far as Obie remembered, she had two main memories with the following key facts; the bottle of black pills were Obie's personal prescribed medicine, she had behavioral issues, her father, mother and uncle thought she was "special", her mother was treating Obie with unknown methods, and she had a personality disorder. Question was how did she forget it. Another question was how did they keep it from her for all this time? How did she keep it from herself?

She was disposed to the implausible fact Logan was right. He had hard proof she wrote a letter to her father from another address. She didn't want to confirm, but the writing format was undeniably her mother's work. But she had no idea of when and where. The only times Obie was visiting another home was uncle George's, her decease grandparents' and her sick aunt's.

It made sense to investigate the revealed address. She did believe there were no signs of her father working on the AIV throughout the time of development. He had his private lab and it was unused from about 2007, 2008. He wasn't less innocent. He was less guilty. Still, he could have an accomplice; her mother. She was a psychiatrist. Her mother had the skills to trick her. There might be some information about everything. About Obie. About the black pills.

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