chapter ²⁹

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❝ Leo: wanted by many, taken by none,talking to some, just waiting for one ❞

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Leo: wanted by many, taken by none,
talking to some, just waiting for one

❝ Leo: wanted by many, taken by none,talking to some, just waiting for one ❞

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WHEN I WOKE UP, I thought I was still dreaming. I barely recognized my life anymore. Should I make a list of everything wrong that's happened so far? It was probably the longest list anyone's ever had.

For one, which I thought was definitely worth mentioning first, was that I'd fallen stupidly in love with a Pisces and was going to run away with him. As we left both of our friends, family, homes, matches and world behind. There were a bunch of footnotes along with this one but way too much to mention.

The second was that my match, who had seemed perfectly compatible on paper, was definitely in love with his childhood sweetheart. It was a losing battle since I knew I couldn't compete with someone he knew since birth. And though nobody admitted it, they were definitely sleeping with each other behind my back. I should've seen the way he looked at her and the way she touched him. It took me awhile to piece it together but he hadn't touched me like that even once. An Aries man couldn't last that long, not even for his match.

And the third and worst I'd come to realize was that my friends weren't with me. My three closest friends in the world weren't supporting me this time and it felt terrible. I felt lost.

Sky and I still weren't the same, even after I told her that a guy shouldn't get in the way of our friendship. I mean, Gods, we'd been best friends since we were kids. We stuck by each other despite all of the bad we had to go through, but she wouldn't forgive me for this.

Kingston wasn't a lot better either. He'd forgiven me but was hard to get ahold of. He didn't want anything to do with me it seemed or maybe he'd moved on—which felt like a punch in my gut.

And Noah, though we'd barely had any deep one-on-one conversations before, was as distant as ever.

I stared up at my bedroom ceiling and counted the glow-in-the-dark stars I'd stickered there when I was a kid.

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