chapter ¹⁶

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❝ A cancer goes through fifty emotionsa day

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A cancer goes through fifty emotions
a day. They might love you at 12:00 and
want to stab you in the heart at 12:01

 They might love you at 12:00 andwant to stab you in the heart at 12:01 ❞

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MARS STOOD STILL AND waited for my initial reaction. Patience wasn't a virtue in Aries but he was making the effort at the very least.

"Are you sure?" I blurted.

"I've never been more sure."

My head was about to explode.

He grabbed my hands and tried to persuade me. "I have to be there for my family; my mom is basically falling apart without me and my younger siblings are looking to me now. But the thing is, I want to be there for you, too. I don't want to leave you."

"I'd—I'd have to talk to my parents about it." There was no denying that I wanted to go with him but it was my last year before I left home. And what about my friends? Sky would definitely miss me and Noah would, too, while who knew about Kingston at the moment.

"Just think about it." He flashed his beautiful brown eyes at me. "Please."

"Okay." That I could do.

The instant Mars kissed me goodbye and dropped me off at the train station, I was at a loss for words.

I wasn't never good at making decisions. I was probably the absolute worst. I spent way too much time stalling, I was such a flip flop—I was prone to changing my mind so much it gave everyone whiplash—and I never felt one hundred percent certain that I'd made the right choice.

What would a normal person do? Oh, they'd make a pros and cons list first. Duh.

So the pros: being with Mars, finally meeting his family. . . and, well, that was kind of it.

But there were way more cons I could think off the top of my head. Like ditching my friends and family, missing the end of my twelfth year, and moving to a whole new sector where I'd have to learn to adjust. The only person who wouldn't be a stranger was Mars. And my bed. . . I'd miss my bed so much.

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