Chapter 3

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Day 12: Paige
I place the crutches next to my car and lift my duffel bag over my shoulders. I close the door and hop towards my crutches. I place them under my armpits and limp towards the arena doors.
"Hey, Paige. Need some help?"
"Yeah, this bag is really heavy." AJ smiles and takes the bag from me, draping it over her own shoulders and we walks towards the Divas locker room together.
"So, how's the leg?"
"It's healing. I got it checked out yesterday and said that I can come off the crutches tomorrow but I should keep the brace on."
"That sucks, I hope you feel better."
"Me too."
"Oh, by the way, I love the promos you are cutting with Seth. They are amazing and I enjoy watching them."
"Thanks." She smiles and opens the door to the locker room.
"Alright, well, I'm gonna go and change, call if you need any help."
"Thanks AJ."
"You're welcome."
I change into my ring attire, doing my hair and limp towards the beautician so she can do my makeup.
"How's the leg sweets?" I glance up at Randy just as the beautician was doing my eyeshadow.
"It's better. Tomorrow I'm off these bloody things." He chuckles and leans on one of the crates.
"Alright, you're good to go."
"Thanks Mel."
"You're welcome doll." She hands me the crutches and I hobble beside Randy.
"So, catering?"
"Absolutely! I have a promo to cut with Seth so that'll be fun." Randy chuckles.
"He enjoys watching your transformation from your real self to your character. It's always interesting to see what you'll say." I laugh.
"Thanks." He holds my tray for me as I place an apple, a cookie and some water on it. He places his food and we sit down at an empty table.
"Hey, can I get your number?"
"Uhh, yeah. Sure!" I give him my phone and he types in his number, I do the same to his and we sit there until I heard Mark call me down to the gorilla.
"That's my cue."
"I'll walk you down."

"Paige, I demand an apology for what you did to me. I demand it now!" I hobble out from behind the gorilla and smile at Seth.
"You demand an apology? For what?"
"For the humiliation you put me through last week."
"Oh, you called that humiliation? I call that mere fun. If you want humiliation, Seth, I can give you humiliation. In fact, your humiliation begins now because you'll be facing Dean Ambrose, John Cena, Dolph Ziggler and Randy Orton. Your tag partners will be Cesaro, Justin Gabriel, and..." I chuckle into the mic, "Adam Rose."
"No! No way!"
"Oh yes way, Seth Rollins. And it's happening NOW!" I step back when I hear Adam Rose's party music come on and his little band of misfits enter the stage.
Randy Orton comes out next and I whisper in his ear. "Demolish him." Randy looks at me and chuckles.
"My pleasure."

I enter the backstage and sit down on one of those empty crates. I place the crutches beside me and take a breather. It's hard work.
"Hey Paige. Thought you might like a bottle of water. By the way, good promo."
"Thanks AJ." She smiles and tosses me a bottle of water, jumping up beside me on the crate.
"Who's idea was it to put Adam Rose on the same team with Seth Rollins?"
"It was mine, when I'm out there, I'm instantly in character. It's just a switch from my now self to my character self. It's weird but it was fun and is going to be funny."
"So you pitted the four people who want to get their hands on Seth Rollins just days before Survivor Series?"
"And you made him team up with losers? Justin Gabriel and Cesaro are good in the ring but Adam Rose is a joke."
"I know." AJ laughs and we watch as the match continues.
Seth goes to pin a very weary Dean Ambrose. "That's my cue, I'll be back."

I hobble out and stand at the top of the stage.
"Oh Seth, don't let me distract you. I mean, you're doing so well I just wanted to come out and get a closer look. Perhaps even congratulate you if you win. Oh wait, spoke to soon." Dean Ambrose hits him from behind and pins him. The ref hits the mat three times and Lilian Garcia declares the winners. "I'm sorry Seth. I didn't mean to distract you, honestly. My sincere apologies."
The Authorities music comes on an I step aside. Stephanie smiles at me and I shake her hand as well as Paul's and a quick smile at Kane before Stephanie speaks into her mic.
"Seth, I'm disappointed in you. I honestly thought that you were more capable to take out this little faction that Paige set up as an obstacle for you. I had faith in you." She sighs and looks at me, "Paige, thank you for testing our Seth but apparently he's not capable of handling situations on his own."
"But Stephanie, he wasn't on his own. He had Justin and Adam and Cesaro." Her mouth twitches but she keeps her composure.
"Maybe he needs some more motivation. Maybe he needs something that he loves to be at risk." Stephanie looks at me, "I think you know what that means." I give her a confused look but someone grabs me from behind. I begin struggling to get free but look at Stephanie in astonishment.
"Is this enough motivation for you, Seth?" I look towards Seth in fright and he jumps out of the ring and runs towards me, that is until Kane, Joey, Jamie, Rusev and Mark Henry stop him.
"No! What are you doing?"
"We are just motivating you, Seth. If you win this match, she's free but if you lose, Seth, you won't like what happens to her."
"SETH!" I yell and Seth looks at me.
"Fine, I'll do it!"
"Good. Because you have a match against Rusev."

I'm carried backstage and set on one of the crates. The stage crew bring me my crutches and AJ hops beside me.
"Ooh, I wonder what's going to happen to you if he loses."
"I'm kinda wondering the same thing." AJ laughs and tosses me a salad.
"I'm sure it's nothing bad. You'll probably have to be in a match against Summer Rae or something." I laugh but come up short when Mark hands me a script.
"If he loses, this is what will happen to you." I read through the script and look at Mark in terror.
"There is no way! Who issues this?"
"Vince McMahon."
"It's for the ratings right? I'll be rehired if he loses, right?"
"I don't know Paige. It's all up to him." I look at the TV to where Seth was being beaten.
"You fucking win this Seth. Please win this."

"And your winner is Seth Rollins!" I take a deep breath in and the creepy guy carries me back out. I think I recognise him as Corey Graves from NXT but I couldn't remember.
"Good job, Seth. You were motivated. She can be set free." Corey let's me go, giving me my crutches I limp towards Seth. He holds me in his arms and he yells at Stephanie.
"This was a setup!"
"Of course not, Seth. If you would've lost, she would've lost her job here and I'm sure she would've hated you for that." Stephanie smiles and glances at Hunter. "Oh, but wait. Isn't little miss Paige here with Randy?" I shake my head, glancing at Randy; an easy smile on his face. "Are you sure, Paige?"
"I'm positive."
"Well then, alright. Paige, next time, you'll have a match against Summer Rae, crutches or not."

Seth and I walk backstage and towards a smiling AJ.
"That was so fucking intense!"
"Thanks AJ. I'm so tired, care to share a hotel room?"
"Absolutely! Let's go get your bags and what did I say? The worst that will happen is you'll have a match against Summer Rae."
"True, but she's easy. It should be fun."
"Well, let's go unless I'll meet you at your car because it looks like lover boy wants to talk to you. Don't worry, I've got your stuff."
"Thanks AJ."
"No problem!" She walks away and I turn to Seth.
"So does this mean we are an item on screen?"
"I don't know. The Authority sure has their ways of confusing me."
"I think it does because apparently you were my motivation. You were though, the ref told me the stipulation and I didn't want you losing your job over this."
"You do realise you beat the undefeated Rusev, right?"
"I did, didn't I?"
"Can I get your number?"
"Sure." We exchange numbers and he kisses my cheek.
"I've got to go, Matt is fussy when it comes I schedules. He's not the Long Island Iced Z when he's tired. He's more like mama bear."
"Alright, I'll remember that if I ever have to room with him." I laugh.
"Alright, I'll text you when I get in."
"I'll be waiting." he smiles and kisses my cheek again before walking off.
"So, new storyline or was that all just spur of the moment?"
"Spur of the moment. How'd you guess?"
"Well, Stephanie and Paul looked a little uncomfortable but eh, it was fun."
"Yeah, except for my job was on the line."
"That part was real?"
"Damn. I should go, I have my little daughter I need to put to sleep. I'll text you later."
"Alright. See ya." He bends down and kisses my forehead.
"Do you want me to walk you to the car?"
"That would be amazing."
"Alright." We walk to my car, where AJ was leaning against the door patiently waiting, and Randy smirks.
"I'll see ya around."
"See ya." He walks off. AJ gives me a look but we slip into the car and drive to the hotel where I book a room and we take the elevator to the room.
"So, what going on between you, Randy and Seth?"
"Oh, the first day Seth injured my knee. Randy carried me out, Alicia say in commentary. Then Randy and I have been hanging out since."
"Wow, that's cool."
"Yeah, I guess it is. I mean, I knew Seth in FCW and NXT but I never really got the chance to introduce myself except for my debut when I told him about the shoulder thing."
"Oh yeah, I remember that. I think Seth had all black hair then, right?"
"I believe so." We laugh as we open the door and I plop onto one of the beds.
"I'm zonked, see you in the morning AJ."
"You too Paige."

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