Chapter 14

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Day 108

I take a shot and giggle as Brie laughs beside me.

"Let's go to the bar!" she slurs and I laugh.

"Yeah, let's go!" I grab my purse and phone and we stumble out of the bar. I giggle as Brie and I stumble into the car.

"To the nearest bar!" Brie shouts and her phone goes off. "Hello?"

"Brie, where are you?"

"Don't worry Dolphin, Paige and I will be home soon." I laugh.

"Bye Dolphin!" the car stops and we stumble into the bar.

Dolph Ziggler:

"Bye Dolphin!" I could hear Paige shout and I heard them giggle. I look over at Nikki.

"Which one am I getting?"

"Paige, I know how Brie is." I nod and we drive to the bar. Paige and Brie didn't even make it inside.

I grab Paige's arm and hoist her over my shoulder.

"Oh, hey Dolphin! Did you know you have a nice bum?" she begins giggling and I just stick her in my truck. I watch as Nikki puts Brie in Paige's car. I grab the keys from Paige and toss them to Nikki before getting into the truck and driving to the hotel.

I pick up Paige and carry her to my hotel room, nearly bumping into Seth.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking Paige home."

"But she's drunk, that would be taking advantage of her."

"Dear God, Seth. I'm not dating her, and I wouldn't take advantage of her. I'm not an idiot like you."

"I have never taken advantage of Paige!"

"But you broke her heart, caused her best friend to mutilate her face, caused my girlfriend to break up with me, caused AJ to de-friend Paige. I'm just surprised you haven't cost Paige anything else."

"Well, Maybe if she was loyal to me..."

"Excuse me?" Paige rolls out of my arms and pushes Seth into the wall. She lands a smack right across her cheek. "You wanna talk about being faithful, what about Leighla? What about Zahra? Or, if you wanna be that way, why did this whole scandal surface just before we broke up? Were you cheating on Leighla with me? Was I just a piece in your game?"

"It was nothing like that."

"Then why do you constantly blame me for cheating on you when I'm the innocent one? Dolph, Randy and all the guys, they're friends. I've only ever had my eyes for you but it seems you can't settle with just one."

"Paige, I love you."

"You sure have your ways to prove it. C'mon Dolph." Paige begins to walk away and I follow her, but not before turning to Seth.

"You sure know how to break a girl's heart." I jog towards Paige and grab her hand. She turns and gives me a hug. I hugged her as she cried.

Seth Rollins:

I rub my cheek and watch as Paige gives Dolph a hug. She collapses to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks. Dolph kneels beside her.

"So, they're together?"

"No, they never were." I look down at AJ. "You hurt her for nothing." I turn around and walk into my hotel room.

Day 109

I open my eyes and look up to see a tan face and messy blonde hair.

"Morning, Paige."

"Morning, Dolphin." he grins and opens his eyes.

"How are you?"

"My face hurts."

"I bet, let's go get you cleaned up." I nod and roll over. I swing my legs to the edge of the bed, my feet touching the cold floor. I hiss at it and look back to see Dolph looking at me with an amused grin.

"It's cold."

"Of course it is, it's snowing outside." I hiss again, "ok Stardust." I roll my eyes and stand up. I slip into the bathroom, showering and changing into clothes. I do my face and hair and walk out to see Dolph slipping on his pants.

He looks back at me and wiggles his butt. I laugh and smack it before sitting on the bed and scrolling through my phone.

Nikki: you awake yet?
Brie: what happened between you and sSeth last night? He's got a nice red Mark on his face. Did you slap him?
Emma: Hey, so AJ is here and she's spreading a rumour that you and Seth are officially over. Is it true?
Paige: yes, we're over. He called me a cheater and I didn't.
Brie: aww boo! I'm sorry
Nikki: you'll find someone worth your time
Emma: I propose we go out after for a few drinks
Nikki: No!
Brie: Yes! Yes! Yes!
Paige: alright, I'll catch Ya later

I look up to see Dolph laughing. He looks at me and begins doing Daniel's signature "Yes!" chants.

"You didn't just read that, did you?"

"It's a group chat for a reason, Saraya. Pretty sure Dean, AJ, Seth, Randy, Zack, Summer, and Bayley have read it too." I facepalm. Dolph just picks me up and I swing onto his back. He grabs the luggage and we walk down the halls. I spot AJ and Seth walking into the lobby. Seth looks straight at me, a tear slips down his cheek but I look the other way.

Seth Rollins:

I read the conversation she had with Nikki, Brie and Emma and it broke my heart. It's officially over, I screwed up.

AJ and I walk into the lobby. I could hear giggling so I look up, only to see Paige clinging to Dolph's back. She looks at me, her smile faltering and tears begin streaming down my face. She looks the other way and her and Dolph walk out.

"You ok?" I look down at AJ and shake my head. She rubs my arm and we grab our luggage and head to the bus. Dolph and Paige were just sticking their things into the compartment which meant that we would be travelling together. "Talk to her."

"When I do, I always say the wrong things." I stuff my things into the compartment and close the lid. I look over to Paige, she was smiling at Dolph. She kisses his cheek and they walk onto the bus. I sigh, entering the bus. I sit in an empty seat but soon someone joins me. I look up to see Paige sitting there. She looks over at me, a sad look in her eye.

"Hey." she whispers.

"Hey." I whisper back. Her lip begins to tremble and I pull her into a hug. She hugs me back as I kiss her forehead.

"I still love you." I mumble into her hair.

"I love you too." I heard her whisper into my chest. I smile. Maybe we can work.

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