Getting Known.

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Sun's Dawn 12th, 4E 190

  Bellona is still extremely miffed at Sven as she's led back to Chorral under the arm of the Captain. She looks up briefly to see a handcuffed Sven trip and fall on his face. She smirks at that. The little bitch has it coming.

  All of his heavy armor makes him act like a turtle. As the guards escorting him attempt to help lift him Bellona is guided around the three and back closer to the front gates of the city.

  Finally, they arrive and what greats them is something Bellona almost finds overwhelming. Literally, any villager who wasn't busy working has gathered at the gate as well as the Black Horse Courier. The various scribes and artists of the Courier eager to scribble down a story and ink press Bellona's face on their newspapers.

  They push past the people who are busy clamoring for answers and head to the castle. While Sven and the guards leading him take him to the dungeons.

  Surprisingly David and Cayla assist in pushing back the crowds that followed them from the gates. They barely know Bellona but choose to help her as if they've known her for a lifetime.

She's led into the grand hall of the Castle where the count awaits. The sound of conversation snaps her out of her cloud. She looks up and her breathing hitches in her throat. There standing in front of the teenaged Count is a Thalmor Justiciar along with two of his soldiers. Her body tenseness draws the attention of Captain Berthholt who looks down at her in concern.
"What's wrong? The Thalmor?"
Bellona nods her eyes fixed in the imposing figures.

"Alright well, we'll just wait back in the foyer. You need to get off your feet anyway." He leads Bellona out of the hall and she rests against a chair. Normally Bellona hates being touched by strangers but seeing as what she's been through she allows the man to touch her.
He gets on his knees and removes her boot. Her ankle is swollen and a dark bluish purple.
Bellona would've fixed her ankle but she's a terrible healer. The only spells in the Restoration school she knows is heal other and lesser ward.

Captain Berthholt barely touches her ankle and Bellona winces.
"Well, it's obviously broken. When the Thalmor leave do you want to walk into the throne room or just wait out here and I'll get the Count?" He asks.
"I'd appreciate it if you get the Count." Bellona leans forward and examines her ankle. She grimaces at what she sees. "Damn it, Sven. I honestly had hoped that coward would die but no." Bellona sighs and leans back.

"Heh, I guess we were both right about him. He acts tough but at the end of the day if something is too much he'll flee in terror. Cowards like him I've encountered while in the Legion." Captain Berthholt says while still examining her ankle. He stands up and sits beside her.
"You were in the Legion?" Bellona turns her head to him.
"Yes, I was. Served about twelve years and fought in the closing ends of the Great War. On more than one occasion I witnessed cowards deserting their fellow soldiers. They just ran to the nearest forest or mountain. We found a few later on. Either dead or washed up in a bar drinking away their guilt. Serving in the Legion was like living in Oblivion but I'm glad I still had the experience." His eyes go distant for a second thinking about the horrors he saw.

They see the Thalmor leave with the Justiciar glaring at Bellona. Her visual unease seems to please him. He smirks and leads his companions out the doors.
Captain Berthholt leaves Bellona and heads into the throne room. A few minutes pass and Bellona can make out them conversing.

  Soon enough Berthholt leads Count Valga into the waiting area.
The Count's face falls a bit when he looks upon Bellona's hurt frame.
"I know I look terrible." She says chuckling softly.

  He sits beside her as the Captain stands in front of them.
"So, what can you tell me about your experience? Captain Berthholt here told me you and Sven are the only ones left. I know you've been through Oblivion but I can't wait."

  Bellona sighs and situates herself in the chair so she's facing the Count.
"I was on my way to the inn when I felt a sharp pain. I knew I had been hit with a paralysis poison. Probably from an arrow or dart. Before I blacked out I saw a woman in elegant clothes standing above me. I woke up and was in the vampire's torture chamber. Along with the remains of the other women she abducted." She looks off somewhere before continuing.

"After walking around and killing a dire wolf I heard footsteps. I hid behind a pillar and when the noise subsided I made a move to leave. The vampire was waiting for me and knocked me into the very pillar I hid behind." She takes a breath.

"Sven and his lackeys heard me scream and found me. When we opened the coffin to kill the vampire that's when she attacked us. She killed Eriker and the rest of us ran. Yoshone was separated from us and Sven kicked my ankle breaking it. As Sven ran away I heard Yoshone being overwhelmed with the dire wolves. The vampire revealed herself and I splashed holy water I got from Eriker in her face. She tackled me out a window and she caught fire. I would've died as well but luckily the Divines were on my side. Members from the College here saved me from my death. Perfect timing. That's about all that happened." Bellona intentionally leaves out how the vampire was his own damn mother. Unless he asks that is which she hopes he doesn't.

  Berthholt nods in understanding knowing it's best to keep the truth unless they have to give it up.
"So what did the vampire look like?" Valga asks. Both Berthholt and Bellona flinch.

  Bellona answers but as vaguely as possible.
"She was a beautiful woman who looked about middle aged. She had fancy brown hair and wore an elegant dress with rose patterns on it. It seemed she knew a powerful form of magic. It manifested as blue." Bellona eyes the young Count hoping nothing have him hints at his mother.

  He puts a finger to his chin. Bellona can see the wheels turning behind his eyes. He drops the finger and straightens up.
"Blue you say?" My mother was a practitioner of the arcane. Though the magic she practiced was not normal. It would take the color of blue and sometimes would tell animals what to do. She would practice on rats and mice. I believe she got her gift from a Yokudan Goddess." He figures out who the vampire was with only a handful of traits.

  He looks at Bellona while smoothing out his pants.
"Bellona please be straight with me. Was that vampire my mother? Tell me please." He eyes fixate on her.
"Yes she was. I'm sorry." Bellona does feel an ounce of remorse. Yes, Countess Diane was a threat but her son would forever be marked as the child of a monster. He's only sixteen and has to live with that for the rest of his life.

  He rests a hand on her right shoulder.
"Don't apologize. My mother was a human at one point but that stopped when she became undead. I buried my mother. What came out was no longer her. I thank you for freeing her soul." He removes his hand.
"Now, if you're able would you like to come with me to address the people? I'm sure the villagers will want to thank the person who killed the vampire that took their daughters and nieces." He stands up.
"I guess so. Can you help?" Bellona asks Berthholt. He nods and helps her up.
Her ankle is still damaged but it's more tolerable now that she doesn't have a tight boot on it.

  Most of Count Valga's speech runs by in a blur. She is vaguely aware of him praising her and then talking about Countess Diane. Then comes the cheering and praising from the townspeople. The Black Horse couriers are busily writing away at what they see and one of their artists draws Bellona, the Count, and Captain Berthholt together. No doubt to ink press and mass ship across the province. What snaps Bellona back to reality is Berthholt guiding her to the inn so a healer can fix her up. She is surrounded by villagers and other guards. All of them glad she saved the town. She finds the people way to much for her.

  Once in the inn Bellona is placed in a room to herself.
"I'll get a healer in here soon. Don't worry about intruders I'll have one of my men stationed out here." Captain Berthholt smiles at Bellona and leaves be. The door closes and at last Bellona can relax. She goes to sleep eager to get traveling again.

Book2: Bellona of Cyrodiil.Where stories live. Discover now