Post Timeskip Dimitri: Here for You

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Dimitri let out a silent groan as he walked down the halls of Askr Castle with no real destination in mind. While the guards were able to buy his excuse of patrolling, anyone who knew him well enough was aware of the real reason. 

He saw them. Again.

Nearly every night they visit him. Nearly every night they approach him. He knows they're not real, but they don't care. They become as real as they want to be. Real enough for him to see, hear, touch. Real enough for the wounds to feel fresh.

Kiran: Dimitri?

Dimitri turned to the voice to see Kiran in his white and golden pajamas looking at him with concern. The blue lion looked at him as if he was studying him, like a predator sizing up his prey. For all he knew, this could be another trick.

Kiran: What are you doing up so late? It's like four in the morning.

Dimitri: I'm...patrolling the castle. Our enemies can easily try to invade while we least expect it, after all.

Kiran: Did you at least get some sleep during the day?

The King of Faerghus gave no answer, which was all Kiran needed to know.

Kiran: Dimitri, this isn't healthy for you. You need to sleep.

Dimitri: I don't need sleep! What I need is to kill her!!

He held his head as the voices returned, echoing through his mind like magic. They got louder, they felt more real. Seeing his distress, Kiran tried to comfort him.

Kiran: Dimitri, are you okay?! Lay down for-.

Dimitri: Get away!

Without warning, he pushed Kiran into the nearest wall which caused the Summoner to grunt in pain. While Dimitri held back, the shove certainly wasn't gentle. The voices suddenly stopped, which gave Dimitri the ability to process what just happened.

Dimitri: Oh my gods...Kiran, I-!

Kiran: I-it's okay. You were probably going through something. 

He tried to play it off, but Dimitri wasn't fooled. He heard the studder. He saw the slight shake in his body language. Kiran was afraid, that much was clear.

Kiran: Just...promise me you'll get some sleep, okay? For me, if not yourself. 

Dimitri: ...I'll try.

Kiran nodded and walked back to his room, but Dimitri saw the slightly quicker pace in which he walked. Once the Summoner left his sight, he was left alone to ponder.

What would have happened if the voices didn't stop? What would have happened if he shoved Kiran with the slightest bit of additional strength? He was strong enough to casually break a man's neck, after all...

Dimitri: (You have to stop. Apologize to him in the morning.)

With that, he solemnly walked to his room, still jumpy.

*The Next Day*

Kiran was walking towards Dimitri's room, carrying a tray of his personal favorite pancakes. He was worried about Dimitri's wellbeing and hoped breakfast would help.

Kiran: (I hope he's alright...)

He eventually made it to where his room was located and hesitated before knocking.

Kiran: Dimitri? Are you awake?

It was quiet for a second, the scary type of quiet. After their most recent battles with Hel, Kiran didn't like quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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