chapter ten. timothée.

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When I woke up, I looked at the clock on my nightstand to see the time. It was 3 in the morning.

I looked to my left and she was asleep. She had been curled into a ball, like a kitten and she slept quietly.

My head throbbed and my mouth was incredibly dry. I went into the bathroom with the glass on my nightstand and filled it with water from the tap, chugging it repeatedly. Cup after cup.

I heard a soft moan come from the bed and a movement. I peaked from the door and she was awake staring at me. "Sorry... I yawned," She mumbled and before I knew it, she was asleep. I closed the bathroom door and flipped on the light taking my scarf off of my face. I locked the door right after.

What would she think of me? I wondered. Would she think I was beautiful? Does she think of me in this way? I picked up a small towel from beside my sink and drenched it in cold water, wiping my face gently.

I had been crying. I didn't remember crying.

Regardless of whether she thought of me, I thought of her. Did she know how beautiful her eyes were? Was she aware of how they turned into honey pots in the sun? Did she understand how beautiful her brown skin was no matter what the lighting situation was? She was so warm.

I wanted to get in bed and feel her. I wanted to stroke my thumb down her arm and feel her soft skin and I wanted to move every delicate curl out of her face so that she could sleep comfortably. I wanted to hold her against my body so that she never got cold during the night.

Did she know how perfect she was? How she always said and did the right thing. When it came to herself and the situations she was in, she politely removed herself though I only knew of one situation she did that in. With me.

But she stayed during the night. Did she know how much that meant to me?

After my face had dried, I wrapped the scarf back over it and walked back into the bedroom turning the light off. Her back was turned and this time she wasn't sleeping quietly. There were soft snores. I stood there, watching her. Her breathing pattern, how it differed from when she was awake around me.

When she had been awake around me, her chest rose and fell much quicker than it did while she was in a peaceful sleep.

I walked to my dresser to get her a knitted blanket, but the snores had stopped. The bed had creaked and she sat up slowly, rubbing her arm and checking her surroundings.

"You can sleep, Adele. It's 3:00 AM."

She was flustered. I could tell she was thinking about something, her breathing has quickened again. "What's the matter?" I walked over to her, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Once I had gotten closer, I noticed she had been coated in sweat. She looked embarrassed.

"I just... had a weird dream."
"What was it ab-"
"Nothing." Adele moved farther away from me, her back was against the wall now and her knees were against her chest.

"Okay... You can shower. I can get you some clothes and you can go back to sleep."
She nodded.

As she showered, I found something for her to wear.

I walked out of the room so that she could change her clothes with privacy, and found my pack of cigarettes on the counter in the kitchen. I lit one and sat on my couch, staring out of the window.

The water had stopped, so I thought about how long it would take her to dry off and get dressed. I finished my cigarette, waited about ten more minutes and I stood up to go back into the room. I knocked gently.

"Come in."

I walked into the room and her hair was wrapped in a towel. She looked incredibly cozy and clean. She was sat at the end of my bed staring out of the window.

"Ready to sleep?" I asked her. She nodded, and i scooped up a pillow and a blanket for myself to sleep on the floor.

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