Jobs are stressful

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Glory's POV

You know, being the president of  the Apple Company is more stressful than I thought. It was always my legacy since my grandma was the president. I never even knew she was my grandma until we did a DNA run and it turns out we are related!

My grandma retired so she doesn't work there anymore, so I took her job. The funny thing is, no one really wanted to be the president. I took the job because the company was doing well but they were a bit lost. 

And Deathbringer just decided to make himself  Vice President but I am fine with it. He also makes sure that I don't get kidnapped or anything because I have a lot of enemies. I never wanted him to but he just did it because, well he's Deathbringer.

Knock. "It's open." Glory said. "Hi. How is it going??" Deathbringer said. "Boringggggg. Have you even been working?" Glory asked Deathbringer. "Yeah, actually, I thought of a game to make and then I was like that is going to be very hard, so I just got some food." Deathbringer said. 

"You are, without doubt, the worst worker I've ever heard of." Glory said, not sarcastically. "Well you are the one who hired me." Deathbringer smirked. "YOU HIRED YOURSELF!!!" Glory said, fuming. "Anyway, the reason I actually came here was that I was going to ask you if you saw anything suspicious." Deathbringer asked.

"Anyway, the reason I actually came here was that I was going to ask you if you saw anything suspicious." Deathbringer asked. "Actually yes. There is the one worker that keeps following me around and and annoying me. Could you tell him to stop?" Glory said. 

"HOW DARE THEY!!!!! I'LL DO MORE THAN JUST TELL THEM TO STOP!! I'LL DROP THEM INTO A VOLCANO. WHO IS THE WORKER?!?!?!?." Deathbringer said, furiously. "Hmmmm, let me see... You." Glory smirked. 

"Welp, ima go drop in a volcano." Deathbringer joked. "Go right ahead." Glory also joked. There was a moment of silence. Then they both started to laugh. "Alright well I have to go." Deathbringer said. "Why because you have to go do more "work". Glory said, actually using quotes. "Something like that... Anyway see you tomorrow." Deathbringer said.

I really cannot understand that guy. I might as well text my friends because I do not feel like filling out all this paperwork. 

The 5 Friends Groupchat

Glory: Hey guys. What's up.

Sunny: Hi! Nothing much.

Clay: Hi. Yeah same. Just eating some food.

Tsunami: Lol, aren't you always.

Clay: Lol

Starflight: We haven't seen each other in so long.

Sunny: Yeah, we should all meet up tomorrow.

Tsunami: It's not like I have anything better to do LMAO.

Clay: I can go.

Glory: Ya same.

Sunny: Maybe for lunch. 12:00?

Everyone: Yeah that's good.

Tsunami: Anyway, how is it going at Apple Co, Glory. 

Glory: Stressful. And ya know Deathbringer will be Deathbringer.

Sunny: Oh yeah how's that going. 

Glory: Well he has been my BF for like about 1 year now.

Tsunami: Ooooh are you in L O V E.

Glory: Shut up Tsunami.


Clay & Tsunami & Sunny & Starflight: Well I gotta go. I'm working at Jade Mountain. BYEEEE

Glory: Oh ok. :( Bye.

You know I feel like I should text Deathbringer.

Deathbringer ♥️ 

Glory: Hey!!!!

Deathbringer: Hi! I'm busy. I have to go. TTYL BYE.

Glory: Oh ok. Bye. 😢 

That's weird. He never declines my texts or if I call him. Eh, he must be very busy.

Knock. "It's open". The door opened. It was Scarlet!! "Hey Glory! Nice seeing you again." Scarlet said. She had a bag in her hand. "Wait Wai--". Then suddenly everything went black. Glory got kidnapped and there was nothing she could do about it.

Hey so I hope you liked it. I wrote this and got rid of wings of fire oneshots. It is pretty short because I got writers block lol. Anyway keep posted, I will be posting more.

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