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A/N: '........' is their thoughts and "......" this is talking

Jake pov

I walked into the house it was quiet, a little too quiet, where was shadow? Locking the door behind me I walked upstairs towards the bedroom. Opening the door I looked at the bed and sighed in relief shadow was asleep. Taking my shoes off I laid down, causing shadow to wake up and smack me in the face "ow!!!!" I yelled rubbing my cheek. Glaring at her I said "what the hell was that for?" She blushed bright red and said "sorry about that you know how easily I get scared!" I started laughing I couldn't believe that this girl was the one who killed so many people with me. "What are you laughing about.....Jake this isn't funny!....Jake!" Finally my laughing reduced to snickering and I hugged her from behind burying my face in her hair. She squeaked out. 'Hmm how adorable' I thought.

Shadow's pov

'Hmm how adorable' Jake said, I smacked his arm. He yelped and rubbed his arm. Glaring at him I wiggled my way out of his arms and walked downstairs to get a snack. "Shaaadow............shadooooow!!!!!!!!" Jake whined "What!?!?" I snapped at him turning around. "I loooove you!!!" He said. Twitching I took a deep breath and said "I love you too" Rolling my eyes I walked away and took out my bag of cookies that our friend Ally Kane baked for us. Jake tried to get some, I smacked his hand away. Holding his hand , he glared at me and said "you know ally and max made those for both of us!" Smirking I ate a cookie and hid them from him. Going to the living room he pulled me down next to him. Turning on the TV I switched the channel to a movie called "the grudge." "Oooh!" Jake said "I love this movie!" Rolling my eyes I got up to make some popcorn and get some snacks along with drinks.

Jake's pov

As soon as shadow sat down, I grabbed a bag of chips and a can of Dr . Pepper. Rolling her eyes she got a bag of takis, some chocolate covered pretzels, a bowl of popcorn, and a can of Sierra Mist. "Blackhole" I said under my breath. I mean seriously how can a skinny girl like her eat so much? She glared at me and said "Oh bite me!" Smirking I replied "Gladly when and where?" Blushing bright red she turned her attention to the TV. Once the movie was over the doorbell rang. "Hey get the door!" Shadow said as she made her way to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Making my way to the front door I opened it and "Hey!!!!!" 'Oh dear god why?....why must you be so cruel to me?' Is all I thought as Ally and Max Kane walked through my door. "Honey, your friends are here!"

Shadow's pov

I heard Jake say something but I couldn't hear him so I walked towards the front door. "Shadow!" Blinking I looked at the two people sitting in my living room on my couch. The first person was a girl with short pink and purple hair and dark blue eyes, the second person was a guy with short spiky blue and black hair and bright green eyes that had a mischievous look. Shocked I said "Ally, Max?" "Glad you recognize me." Max said while Ally beamed at me. "Hi auntie shadow!" I heard a set of voices say, looking at the floor two matching pairs of dark blue eyes looked up at me. Smiling I bent down to their level and said "Luna, Leo." Luna got her facial features from her mom and Leo got his from his dad but their hair is very similar. Leo has short and spiky hair like Max but the color was purple and black, while Luna has short hair like Ally but the color was pink and black. Their personalities were way different most would expect Leo to be loud but no he was shy and quiet while Luna was the opposite she was out going and loud. "So what brings you guys here?" I asked Ally and Max. They both shifted in their seats uncomfortable and said "uhhhh well we kind of need a place to live because we accidentally burned our house down" Raising a eyebrow I nodded and showed them to their rooms Ally and Max would be in the room across from us while Luna and Leo got separate rooms as them claiming that they were old enough 'sure I thought if you call being 6 years old mature.' Jake helped them get settled in while I got ready for bed. Once I laid down Jake was doing his nightly activities and finally laid down with me and fell asleep. I ended up sleeping when everything was quiet. A fell into a dream-no more like a nightmare that I have to relive every day. The screaming and crying nothing but bad memories I tried to stay awake but it was to strong I allowed the bloodcurdling screams and the cries of children and women take over. The day that my sanity broke and the day I met Jake. The day that changed my life forever.

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