First day of Foxfire Pt.1

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Her P.O.V.
    I hear my imparter ring off. After almost smashing my poor alarm, I dragged myself out of bed, regretting staying up overthinking.
   I looked at my outfit, innocently hanging in my closet. It consisted with black long shirt, black leggings. The skirt and cloak had my level five color and a "family" crest.
The Collective designed the crest with a Tigala (tigress with wings. I created them 🤓) roaring while the the smaller cubs slept beneath her. They said I really fit to them since Tigala are well known to be wise and take great care of their loved ones.
    I changed and look at myself in the mirror.
Okay got the easy part done now but oh god what happened to my hair.

In shock even though this has happened throughout my life.
      It really does look like a tornado past by.
I never had a good relationship with my hair. Its always so frizzy and impossible to tame after swimming or handling water. Yeah i love my main ability of being a Hydrokenitic and all but there were definitely days i wished i just shaved of all of my wavy hair and just grew straight hair.

    The reason why i haven't shaved it all was that all of the counselors loved my hair and begged me to not straighten it. Another dilemma was that they did saved my life multiple times so keeping my "beautiful" hair  is a way of thanking them.
          But I still dream of having the ability of pulling off a messy bun but i know thats not going to happen anytime soon.
I pulled out a drawer with all of my hair products and started to spray down my hair with an expensive non-frizz bottle that took forever to find without making my hair look greasy. After putting on all sorts of creams and scrunching my hair till my wrists hurt.

I stared at the mirror and noticing my reflection starting to fade. It morphed into a tall figure, a guy wearing the same uniform looking back at me. I tried to study his face but the harder i try, the more blurry it became.

My eyes didn't need to tell me how I felt with him. It felt I've known him.
     Something about him feels safe, enjoyable and comforting.
    He starts to open his arms for a hug, I slowly reach my hand out, letting the warm rays tug me in.

I felt safe.

I felt welcomed.

My worries about the world seem to fade away.

Now its just me with him.

All safe and sound.

I try to look at the boy's face again. He seemed happy. His big smile shines with reassurance. At first he looked intimidating from his height but when looking at the smaller details, he was gentle and kind.

Slowly but surely I raised my hand.

The tip of my ring finger touched the mirror.

And he turn into a black abyss.

That bright smile shrivels away, leaving a grin of a traitor.

His blue ocean eyes drained into blank white stare piercing through my soul.

His deep velvet chuckles distorts into a wretched laughter, drowning me in darkness.

It felt cold.

Whispers circle around me in amassment

Watching me in toil

Enjoying it.

I feel deeper


No matter how hard I thrash, the shadows was stronger, faster and slyer.
I feel the tears welling up in hopelessness.

No where to go,

No where to hide

This was my fate.

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