Chapter 4

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"Guys. We've got a situation here."

Jon and you were sat at the kitchen table. Richie just stopped on the phone, and called David who was in the bathroom. He was now standing in the middle of the living room, toothbrush in his mouth, not understanding what was happening.

"I won't be able to play at No Limits."

You heard "OH", "AH", some "Fuck you, Richie." and a lot of swearing. And you were completely lost of course. You watched them like you were watching a tennis match. David pointed at him threateningly with his toothbrush. "It's been months Richie! Months that it's planned! It's a chance we can't miss."

Jon threw hands in the air desperately: "Can we know at least what happened? Someone is hurt, or..."

Richie was playing with the end of his jacket. He passed his hand in his hair. "My mom needs me to plan a part of my sister's wedding."

You started eating your cereals again, putting something in your mouth to prevent yourself from bursting.

"She wants me to play a bit during the reception, and needs to hear it before and-"

"Just shut up ok." David spoke restlessly and ejected toothpaste a bit everywhere: "Say no and come for fuck's sake, we're playing at the fucking television, it's a way to show ourselves! No Limits is the musical show people watch."

"Calm down, it's an early evening show, eighty percent of the audience is above 60..." The keyboardist threw him a look. "And David, you know my mom." He spoke with real fear in his eyes. "She is able to come here and drag me home by the hair."

Jon took his forehead in his hands. "We're in the shit. We can't do it without a guitarist, and out of the question they find us someone we don't know."

"I know guys, I..."


You lifted your head to the sudden silence to see three pairs of eyes looking at you. You gulped.

Richie moved to the table and planted his eyes in yours. He smiled at you, and you saw the others share a look by the corner of your eye. "Hi." You squinted your eyes.


"We have to perform on a show called No Limits. We chose to sing Burning for Love. But I can't come so..." Oh no. No no no.

You got up and turned to the kitchen, like if showing them your back would make them think you disappeared. Richie followed you and literally went on his knees.


"Guys, I'm honoured you seem to think about me to replace Richie at the guitar for a song, truly, but I can't. I only performed in my own damn room guys! Not in front of an audience, and even less at the television!"

Jon got up and approached you. "Listen... It's a big chance we cannot miss because maybe people will hear us, and get interested in us. It's been months that we were looking for an opportunity like this." He stopped. "And... I could offer you all the records and all the Italian restaurants you want!" You couldn't help but scoff. You felt your cheeks heat, and he threw you a look. "Plus, we leave tomorrow evening and sleep in a hotel, so we have the entire day before the show for-"

"TOMORROW?" You opened wide eyes.

Richie was still on his knees and looked at you; David waited. It's not like you didn't know the bit after all, but...

You sighed. "OK. I'll do it."

You didn't have the time to add something before Jon literally took you in his arms, soon joined by the two others. They turned with you in their arms, nearly throwing you in the air while shouting your name. "I hope I'll be invited to your wedding at least!"

"You sure are. Oh, and if you could replace my soon brother-in-law too? He is a total prick."

David shrugged: "I could replace him. If I do say so myself, your sister is pretty sex-"

Richie rose a finger. "Don't. You. Dare."

Your moment of euphoria got cut by the phone.

Your feet touched the ground and Richie went to pick up. "Imagine he can come now."

Jon crossed his arms. "Too late!" He looked at you. "Oh, we need to find our outfits, and-"

"y/n!" The three of you turned to Richie. "It was the record shop we went to yesterday. A woman just came there and asked if a young girl came recently. She gave a pretty accurate physical description of yours." Your heart sank. Richie smiled. "I think we've found someone back."

David tapped your shoulder and Jon watched his feet.


You finally broke apart and watched each other in the eyes. "I thought I would never find you back." She laughed. "I see you found a pastime."

"Ooooh easy!"

The guy at the record shop gave your aunt the address, and she directly came. You were standing in Jon's room while the others were in the living room, for a bit of privacy. She pointed at the mattress and winked.

"They literally saved me you know. I would have been starving on the street, alone!" You opened your arms theatrically. "And you? Where did you go by the way?"

"There is a motel not far from here. I managed to have a little room, and I'm able to work on our return ticket! It should take..." She counted on her fingers. "...some days."

You couldn't believe your own brain, but it felt like... You were disappointed. It was not long ago that you arrived, but you were already feeling...

"But I keep you in touch anyway, I know where to find you back now! Just live normally."

Oh, she could rely on you for this.

You smiled: "Yeah I was just thinking... How did you find me back?"

She put her hands on her sides. "You're a bit predictable, y/n."

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