Chapter 6

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Your fingers were tensed around the neck of the guitar. Playing in front of an audience was definitely something you wanted to experience one day in your life, but not in this circumstance. A bunch of cameras were situated some meters away from you, and a couple of guys were busy on it. Behind, the public was standing; there were at least a hundred people chatting together, not minding you at all. If they knew they were going to assist to the first performance on stage of one of the greatest rock band ever... Well, not the complete band. Playing at Richie's place, even if he suggested it, even if the whole band agreed, even if it was only for once... You were unease.

"Are you alright?" You jumped; you didn't notice Tico approaching you. You shrugged. "Is this a rhetorical question? We are literally playing on the television, how can I be alright?"

He laughed and put a protective hand on your shoulder.

"It's just a local channel."

"A local channel? Yeah, a New Jersey local channel, which means not local at all."

"I know it's easy to say it but... Try not thinking about that?"

You both exchanged a look and laughed. This was a shitty piece of advice, but laughing changed your mind and after all, it was their first time too. Tico tightened his hand on your shoulder and went to set himself behind his drums. David was already checking his keyboards, and Jon came out of the wings, joining you. He was a bit paler than usual and played with his hands.


You shared a stressed look.

"Hey. Everything alright? Your guitar is correctly attuned?"

You nodded. A complete answer was useless, you knew he asked it more because he didn't know what else to say. During the day, you didn't talk about your little conversation you had last night. After getting used to David's chaotic sleep, you fell asleep. The keyboardist woke you up in the morning; he looked super rested and vented the comfortability of the mattress to Jon and you, both half-awaken with dark circles till the middles of your cheeks.

You spent the rest of the morning and a good part of the afternoon at rehearsals, and the hour before the show at the outfits and make-up preparations.

You said: "It's sad Richie is not there. I mean... It's your first time at the TV, it's supposed to be a special moment for you as a band." You ran your fingers through your hair and watched your feet. "I feel like I'm not at my right place, it's a pity you can't experience that together, and Richie is a better guitarist than me, I mean..."

He looked surprised.

"Oh don't say that, you heard him. Let's just pray his mom didn't kill him." You laughed. "And I think he is actually relieved to avoid this episode. He doesn't look like that, but he is easily stressed." He touched your arm. "And you know, you are super talented. I heard you. We heard you. And if Richie said you played well too, then you really do. And you know..." He scratched his hair. You swore you saw his cheeks starting to get pink under the make-up. "You know I'm kinda glad to experience this with you."

You lifted your head.

You started to open your mouth when Alec burst on the stage and shouted "ONE MINUTE! The direct starts in one minute!"

Jon shook his head. He removed his hand from your arm and put them on his cheeks, like to hide it. "Anyway, I'm sure it will be fire." David joined you. "Guys, it's horrible." He showed you his hands; they were trembling. "Do you know what to do to eliminate stress?" Jon and you instinctively looked at each other and turned bright red in a matter of seconds, now the colour visible through the foundation for sure.

A guy of the production came beside you and urged you to take place. David went back, Jon proceeded to the centre of the stage. You tapped your cheeks.

A red light appeared above the camera in front of you. God, it was starting to get real.

The generic of the show started. A guy with a bright pink suit burst on the stage, and people began to applaud et cheer up. "Welcome to No Limits, the best way to spend your Friday evening before the news! Tonight, we open the show with a discovery; a local rock band called Bon Jovi is here to perform one of their songs." He approached Jon. "So, can you introduce us to what you are going to sing?" He nodded and answered with a voice you noticed higher than usual. "We are going to sing a song called Burning for love, that will figure on our first album that we hope will air before the end of the year." The audience applauded again and the presenter thanked for the answer, not seeming to give a single shit, and wished good luck. When he left the stage, the lights changed and the cameras began to move. It was starting.

Some seconds passed and Tico gave the measure. You took a deep breath and concentrate yourself. You all started playing,

Jon began;

I've been lied to and, you been cheated

I've been cried to, you been mistreated

I've been watching you, you want action

You need love and I need satisfaction

I'm burning for love

Filled with desire

I can't stand the heat

And my heart's on fire

Your stress had completely left you. Witnessing Jon perform was incredible. It was like he was a different person of the nearly shy, reserved person who was with you some minutes ago. He moved, played with the cameras. At a moment, he turned and looked at you. You exchanged a smile.

You're the victim it's in your eyes

I'm the suspect and love's the crime

Tensions mounting, bodies shaking

I can't take the anticipation

You were concentrated on your instrument, but you're sure people in the public were moving on the beat.

And now was your moment. The solo that you played a hundred times and a thousand times in your head came. In the corner of your eye, you saw the cameras focusing on you. Your fingers moved on the neck of the guitar, you gave it all to it and didn't mind the chords scratching your tips. You head banged on the drums and the bass resonated in your chest.

Jon took the mic back.

Now that I got you in my sight

Can't take another sleepless night

Oh, no, no

You can run but you can't hide

You're the only one I need

To feel the fire inside

He jumped next to you and looked at you. It was difficult to put a name on what you felt, but it was heavy. He placed himself against you, and moved his head in a way to invite you to sing with him. You never did it; but it didn't matter. You approached the mic.

I'm burning for love

I'm filled with desire

I can't stand the heat

And my heart's on fire

You looked up and saw he was staring at you. You supported his gaze and carried on; you were just there, both of you, wrapped in the music.

I can't get enough

It's down to the wire

I'm making my move,

I'm looking for you

I'm burning for love

You did the last notes of the song and stopped. The public cheered. You turned and shared smiles with the others. Jon pressed himself on your right, Alec on your left and both David and Tico joined you. You bowed.

The presenter came back, thanked you and went next to the stage, where the show continued. Staff people made you leave to the wings.

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