Chapter 9

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It felt like a hundred knives stabbed your head at the same time. You didn't manage to open your eyes at first and stirred. Your arm bumped in something hard and an electric noise came, followed by a groan, coming from a little further in the bed.

You opened your eyes and scoffed; the light made your headache feel even worse. You sat in bed and watched around you. What your hand touched was one of the guitars you used yesterday, and what groaned was Richie, whose face was on the other side of the bed, snoring mouth wide open.

What happened yesterday – well, more some hours ago – came back to your mind. You remembered going out with the guys, coming back to the apartment with Richie, improvise a concert together, and...


And telling him the truth. The memories were blurred, but you remember telling him pretty much everything, the mood being suitable to confessions, and falling asleep in the position you were in. You looked at him. Well, it didn't seem to prevent him from sleeping... Maybe he won't remember after all.

You watched the clock. 1pm. Not bad for a following evening. From what you knew, David and Jon weren't back yet when you fell asleep, so they could probably be still sleeping, but far noises told you otherwise.

You scratched your eyes and yawned. You swore you could smell coffee, and it gave you an impulse. You moved Richie's legs and got up. You didn't bother to wake him up, and opened the door slowly.

You arrived in the kitchen; David and Jon were having breakfast. You waved and enthusiastically said hi. When they heard you arriving, they suddenly stopped talking. Jon muttered a shy "hello" and didn't even look at you, keeping his back turned. David waved back and smiled, but something was weird, like a shy expression on his face.

You frowned, but decided to not pay attention to this. You opened the fridge, took what was necessary for you to eat, and went next to David on the dining table. No one opened his mouth. You broke the silence: "How was your night?"

David turned to you and said: "Short. I knew I should have come home earlier but the atmosphere was way too good! Did you know that-"

"Less good than you."

Both of you turned to Jon. He didn't wait for David to finish his sentence to spat that out, and carried on eating. You didn't directly get it and assumed it was because his night was shorter than yours, even though the option didn't satisfy you. David got a shy laugh and was about to take his speech back where it was when Jon got up. "I'm going to the studio. See you there. Don't come too late, it would be cool if we finish two tracks by the end of the day."

He stopped right before opening the door and looked at you, for the first time of the day. "Oh, and nice t-shirt by the way."

When he closed the door, you turned to David: "What the fuck just happened?" He too seemed to have forgotten how to bear your gaze. You were about to make a point about it when Richie came. "Hi ladies!"

He kissed both of you on the cheeks.

"Jon is still asleep?" You chuckled mockingly and crossed your arms: "He just left for the studio. I don't know what happened to make him be so pissy this morning, but it felt like I had a teenager in crisis in front of me." Richie sat at Jon's place and began eating what was left in his plate. "Maybe there wasn't hair spray left in the bathroom." You couldn't help but let a laugh go at Richie's pun and he laughed with you.

"He's persuaded you slept together last night." You both stopped and looked at David.


"Yeah, we slept together. We came back from the bar, played guitar and fell asleep on my bed after chatting a bit." You swore Richie threw a look at you at the end of his sentence.

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