Chapter 1: Beginning/Sinbad meet Eris

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The scene shows it goes down as a dark shadow night, circular ethereal aura, with a constellation around, then a dark mist forms a dark woman with a pale purple skin and a no sleeve purple dress, and her hair are black as it flow with no gravity as she flows towards the ball sized global earth. Her name is Eris, the goddess of chaos, the daughter of Nyx and Erebus known for Golden Apple of Discord.

"Wake up my beauties. Rise and Shine." She called out as the constellation has moved as it turns out to be a monstrous creatures that belong to Eris.

"It's a brand new day and the mortal world is at peace... But not for long." She wisp her mist and flows to the earth as she looks at it.

"Just look at it. I pulled one tiny thread and their whole world unravels into chaos...Glorious Chaos." She said as she pulls a string thread and broken it as she clenched both her fist with excitement and evil.

"And what could be more perfect than this? A noble prince, a priceless treasure. And a black-hearted thief." She said when it zooms when she sees a blue sailing ship as it glows inside known the Book of Peace is inside the ship as she sees the red colored ship are following behind the blue ship.

"Oh, this is going to be fun.  Cetus, you know what to do.  Let the games begin."  She sneers as she cooed her creature called Cetus, the enormous squid like monstrous creature as it dived through the real world as it turned into physical form as it drops the ocean as both ship are unnoticed by Cetus came down to earth.  As the boat sails to the Syracuse, the red pirate ship follows it to rob and get the Book of Peace. the noble ship didn't notice the pirate ship was behind them before the attack.

"Gentlemen! This is what we've been waiting for.  The world's most valuable object is on its way to Syracuse."  As all the crew men lined up as the dark brown pirate man walked pass his men with Spike as he turned to men with a smirk.

"It's a shame it'll never get there." He said as his men chuckled as he clapped his hands and tubbed against it.

"After today, we retire to Fiji!" Sinbad told his men as the crew cheered and laughed as they shouted 'Fiji' as they prepared their weapons.

"Kale!" Sinbad called his navigator as a muscular african with tattoo responded

"Aye, Captain!"

"Spike!" He called his loyal mastiff mutt when it pulls the wooden handle that it releases the blade hooks on the side of the boat.

"Let's get rich!" Sinbad yelled when the hooks attached to the prince's ship and swing across to the other ship as he jumps down and take his swords out and fight off the guards. Spike went up to his special catapult as he pulls the bone that shoot him to flying and landed on guard as he licked them to death(He's such a precious dog). While the crew taking down the guards with their own combat, weapon techniques, as Jed throw a special bomb towards the two guards. Sinbad ducked as the guard was about to kick him but failed his leg was tangled on the rope, the captain wrapped the guards to puppet to use the sword to cut off the rope to sent the tangled guard to fly off which causes the guard to release his swords when Sinbad caught one and spins the sword to knock those two guards. The brunette captain turns and cross his swords against the enemy as he slides under and remove the guard's helmet and head butt when the guard man turns around and knock by Sinbad's head butt. the guards charged Sinbad as the captain stabbed the wooden floor and make his 360 degree roundhouse kick, and swing himself landed next to Kale who's strangled the guard.

"Did you catch the last move? Pretty cool, huh?" Sinbad asked casually to Kale.

"I thought you overworked it, just a bit." kale responded as he punch the strangled guard's face and released it.

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