Chapter 4: Siren Rescue/ Sinbad's outburst

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On the ship, the edge of the knife digs at the screws to swirl it loose, when Marina kicked the door of the storage room.

"Oh, come on, you look great." Marina encourages Spike as he comes out with a pink bow on his head with pitifully.(Where does she get the pink bow from?) Marina dash on the deck as Spike shook the pink bow off.

"Look lively! Jed, get the long poles!" Kale shouted in order as Marina ducked from the plank that Jed had.

"Oh, Pardon me, my lady." He apologized as she sees the brothers as they went down the deck and walk towards her.

"Hi Marina, where were you?" Shiro greeted her and asked.

"Yeah, where have been in this ship?" Haru added.

"Well, Let's say I was locked into a room with full of gross pickles and pickled eggs and nothing else, plus it stinks." Marina said as she was disgusted of the pickle smell.

"Ek. I hate pickles." Shiro groaned.

"I could agree with you both." Haru added.

"Yea, and sorry when I left you in there, you know we absolutely hate pickles and pickled eggs so much." Kuro apolgized as he explained they hate pickled food.

"I know you guys hate it, I understand." Marina said forgiving.

"Well, Kuro is going to help the crew while I help Kale." Haru and Kuro went back to help them.

"Alright." Marina replied, as Shiro saw something ahead as they looked outside the rocks and boulders cave that looks like a dragon's sharp teeth.  Which is why they call that name.

"The dragon's teeth?" Marina and Shiro asked in unison as Rat jumps down as he hanged up by the rope.

"Indeed, signorina and signore. Only most foolish of captains would dare to sail a ship through this!" Rat told them as he shouted in bitterly at his captain as he gritted his teeth.

"Rat, reef the fores'le!" Sinbad scolded as Rat shrugged sheepishly.

"Excuse me, signorita and signore." He pardon himself bashfully at them and went back up as Shiro giggled.  Marina came up the upper deck when she approached him and then Kuro and his brothers went up to him as well

"Are you sure you know what...?" Marina asked but interrupted by Sinbad as he quickly replied.

"Yes, we've done this kind of thing before."


"No, there is no other way."

"But..." Marina sighed

"And, yes, you have my permission to stand there quietly and get a free lesson in sailing."

"You know..."

"Besides, a ship is no place for a woman and a clumsy, weak Japanese people like you three." Sinbad told them smugly as he insulted them, as Marina and the Takano brothers gasped in offensive and angrily growled as they got insulted by gender and how Japanese people are like.

"Jin! Easy on the main!" Sinbad warned Jin

"Aye!" Jin responded as the four of them who are offensive by Sinbad, they groaned and took a deep breathe and exhale out calmly.

"Meanie." Shiro quietly mumbled angrily as Kuro, Marina, Shiro and Haru death glared at Sinbad.  As they goes in the foggy Dragon's teeth cave, things get eerily silenced.

"Steady as she goes." Sinbad ordered as the crew slowly hold their position. Rat saw the rocks the way they sailing.

"Rocks off the starboard bow." Rat warned as Sinbad steer to the right away from the rocks, not to crash it. As they continue sailing further in the cave, it remain that all the shattered ships are terribly wrecked every surface, everywhere.  Hundreds and hundreds, that never made it back on this horror haunting place. There's no survivor, not even one. It's like a giant dragon who ate the ship into pieces, leftover on it teeth and mouth

Sinbad: Legend of the seven seas x male ocsWhere stories live. Discover now