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"sooyaa.." taehyung called softly at jisoo who just kept hugging him tightly.

today was taehyung's military enlistment, even though he and his fiancè spent more time together- both can't still deny the fact that they'll surely miss each other.

it wasn't enough..

"hey look at me sooyaa" he said cupping her cheeks to look at him.

"i'll miss you" jisoo sadly said trying not to cry in font of him. again.

"me too" he replied as he silently kissed her forehead.

"yah- don't even try cheating on me with other guys, i have jungkook as my eye" he joked trying to lighten up the mood but then jisoo suddenly hit him on his arm.

"yah- ouch!!"

"tae!! how can you even have the audacity to tell that to me when you can clearly see me here not letting you go!!" jisoo said as she pouted, eyes glistening from her own tears.

"i'm just kidding" he said smiling.

"you got no jams kim"

"aww.. that's too bad mrs. kim" and for the second time, jisoo hit him again.

"for your information were still not married!!" jisoo scowls.

"still" he emphasized the word. he hug her again trying his best not to show off his sadness as jisoo began to cry again. much louder than before.

"wait for me" he hopefully said "of course I will" she replied back. the two quietly embrace each other feeling their warmth and love.

"i'll call you immediately whenever i can" he assured.

"call your family first"

"yes ma'am!!" he saluted on her as they both laughed-

"taehyung-ah, sorry to interrupt you both but we have to leave now" namjoon kindly said making the two frown.

"goodbye sooyaa. take care of yourself alright??"

"i should be the one saying that to you, you know?" jisoo said as she hug him again for the last time.

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