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"earth to kim jisoo please!!!" lisa shouted while shaking jisoo making come back the her sense

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"earth to kim jisoo please!!!" lisa shouted while shaking jisoo making come back the her sense.

"uh yeah..what is it lali??"

"i hate you unnie" lisa said acting like a child making jisoo laugh "stop laughing" lisa pouted.

"anyway, is there something wrong??" jisoo worriedly asked.

"yeah there is and it's you" lisa answered pointing her index finger at the older.

"me? why??" jisoo confusedly asked making the younger rolled her eyes.

"since the time your soon-to-be-husband enlisted and the fact that it was already three months ago, made me wonder why aren't you still used to it?? you know- not seeing him?" lisa uncertainly ask her.

"can't help it lisa- i just really miss him"

"yeah, quite feel sorry for you"

"then go treat me some chicken tonight!!" jisoo says making the two of them laugh.

"girl sometimes i think you're just fooling with me around"

"you love me" jisoo said as she stick out her tongue playfully.

"hey, have you heard- that nini's cousin will be our new ceo??" lisa quietly asked as if the news should be kept as secret

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"hey, have you heard- that nini's cousin will be our new ceo??" lisa quietly asked as if the news should be kept as secret.

"really?? i thought it would be her brother??" jisoo confusedly asked.

"i don't know- but! the good news is that we'll meet whoever it is tomorrow" lisa excitedly says as she throws some chips at the older making jisoo throw back also.

"and may i ask why are you excited??" jisoo asked after sipping at her drink.

"well i really want a new boss" lisa answered while wiping all the chips crumbs at her hands.

"you sounded like your finding a new boyfr-" jisoo couldn't finish her sentence when lisa embarrassedly shouts.



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(a/n: can't find any other pics, sorry)

"yah- taehyung, are you alright??" namjoon ask looking at the younger one.

he sighed deeply.

"you miss her man?" jimin asked, unsure what to say.

"always" taehyung simply answered looking at the sky.

"c'mon tae!! atleast you'll see her again in 21 months" hoseok cheers him up but taehyung just looked at him sadly.

"that's too long" he whined as the three looked at him cutely.

(a/n: boiii i ain't sure 'bout my english and grammar- likeee i really forgot what i learned at school kekeke)

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