twenty-four; zoo

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"You know, we are not the only college students from Korea that got the vacation pass  right?" Wonwoo randomly mentions in the middle of there walk towards the subway trains.

They were making their way to Aloha Zoo which was suggested by Jin. He said he wanted to see Jimins 'family' which only caused a fuss between the two.

"Really?" Taehyung said. "That's nice,"

They made their way in the crowded train, quickly claiming a seat. Again, Wonwoo spoke, "You know, I've never been to a Zoo before-"

"You know, you can shut the fuck up."

"Jungkook, don't be rude-" Taehyung demanded but got cut off,

"Oh god Taehyung, you're sitting next to a drunk man!" Jimin said as he broke to laughter.

"This train stinks!" Jin mentions making Bogum laugh along with Jimin. Taehyung scooted near Jungkook while also not being able to control his laughter.

"When are we arriving?" Yoongi asked, but instead he got no reply.

"Its hot in here.." Minnie said, fanning herself 'hotly' as she crossed her legs.

"Guys are there snakes in the zoo? If so I can turn my ass back-" Hoseok got interrupted,

"Yes but soon, there will be horses too-" Jungkook said, causing Jins window shields laugh to join the others making most  eyes go on them, some giving dirty looks at the young adults.

"Jungkook, don't be rude!" Taehyung says again,

"Speaking of animals, do you think there will be crab-" Namjoon was cut off by wonwoo

"Y'know, I was thinking if-" Wonwoo couldn't finish when someone finally yelled something to shut them all up,

"Shut up!" Yoongi shouts, which only led to everyone on the train gazes to look over at them. "Trust me, i don't know them either." He stated making Taehyung let out a small giggle.

Finally, the train came to a their stop. They all got off the train getting out the subway and watched as Wonwoo and Bogum tried to get a taxis attention. Jungkook back hugged Taehyung, nuzzling his face in Taehyungs neck leaving soft gentle kisses making the blondish boy close his eyes softly at the euphoric feeling, intertwining his hands with the other.

"Taxi!" Bogum yelled and luckily the taxi stopped. Bogum smiled turning the others nodding. They all came towards the taxi and got on squishing each other. "No fair! Why does Bogum get to sit in the front seat??" Jin whined.

"I caught the taxis attention so I sit in the front, which is actually fair." Bogum defended himself.

"We should have just booked a car." Yoongi said.

A long 27 minute drive, they finally arrived at Aloha Zoo which was surprisingly not that crowded. They made their way in, and if you're wondering where the money came from; Wonwoo is a wealthy young man.

"What the fuck is thAT!" Hoseok shouts hiding behind Yoongi. "It's a fucking elephant oh my god!" Jungkook sarcastically shouts.

"I wanna see the tigers!" Taehyung yelled excited.  "Look in the mirror and you'll find one." Jungkook said making the other take a moment before understanding. Taehyung giggled slapping Jungkooks arm playfully.

"Ok! I want everybody's attention please!" Wonwoo shouts, grabbing their gazes.

"We can separate from eachother, and I also brought everyone's phones just in case," He said as he searched through his huge bag.

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