Pre-fight for Brew

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            “Senpai!” Aura shouted in mid-air as she tackled Giriko to the ground.

            “Ack!” He exclaimed as he hit the ground. “What the hell! Are you wanting me to cut your fucking body up?!” He shouted, full of rage, while simultaneously trying to get the troublesome female weapon off of himself.

            “Aw, are you still mad about that prank?” Aura questioned hanging onto the chainsaw, apparently ignoring his threat of physical harm. Giriko growled in annoyance remembering her “little prank” which consisted of her hiding all his clothes while he slept then taking his shirt & pants he was wearing and then sitting right outside the door to the room with them ready to bolt down the hall of Baba Yaga Castle when he came after her to get them back.

            “Why the hell are you here now anyways, I thought you were suppose to be in Death City!”

            “I am, but I wanted to tackle you first. Duh!” Aura retorted sticking her tongue out playfully.

            “Then if you’re finished get lost!” he growled.

            Aura hopped off his back and started making her way to Death City, humming as she went.

Giriko cursed under his breath as he got up off the ground, “What the hell is wrong with that chick…”


            Hoshi relaxed on her bed in The Gallows, all was calm and quiet in her surroundings except for the sound of someone running up the stairs. She dismissed the disturbance as just Patty playing some game.

            The door was suddenly kicked open as Aura walked in and right over to the content little cat witch and swiped her up from her comfortable spot and held her up at arm’s length. “Hello witchy~,” Aura smirked.

            Hoshi hissed at her, “Cut it out Aura.”

            “Aw what’s wrong kitty kitty, Shinigami boy not stroking you enough?” Aura teased.

            Hoshi glared, the drawback of Aura finding out about her feelings for Death the Kid. She would constantly tease her for it. “Shut up.”

            Aura laughed, “The daughter of the witch Arachne, living with the son of Shinigami-sama. Disguised as a cat to those who don’t live here. Kinda weird don’t you think?”

            “Says the 18 year-old who acts like a child,” Hoshi retaliated.

            “That’s not weird…”

            “Whatever. Just put me down.”

            “Hmm… Nah. It’s more entertaining if I hold you up where you can’t hurt me,” Aura smirked.

            “I really hate you, you know that right…”

            “Why so my fuzzy friend?”

            “Do you really have to ask?” Hoshi questioned as her tail flicked angrily.

            “Ask what? Whether or not you’ve asserted your feelings to Kid?” Aura snickered.

“Will you cut that out?!” Hoshi glared and started squirming trying to free herself from Aura’s grasp. Aura laughed and tossed Hoshi onto her bed. Upon landing Hoshi quickly transformed back to her original form, she pushed her short black hair back into its proper place. “Why do you have to act so childish?”

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