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                Nemuri Kayama has created [Gossip Sesh]
               Nemuri Kayama has added Shota Aizawa, Hizashi Yamada, +8 others to the chat room.

Nemuri Kayama: Heyy~
Shota Aizawa: Nemuri? What have you done?
Nemuri Kayama: Oh! Nothing really, just thought we should have our own group chat! You know, like all coworkers do?
Shota Aizawa: ...
Shota Aizawa: That's not—This better be just for educational purposes only.
Hizashi Yamada: Or cat videos
Hizashi Yamada: ;)
Nemuri Kayama: Wait, gimme a sec
        Nemuri Kayama has changed Snipe to KnockoffMcCree
        Nemuri Kayama has changed Ectoplasm to Venom
        Nemuri Kayama has changed Vlad King to BlehBlehBleeeh
        Nemuri Kayama has changed Shota Aizawa to EmoHobo
        Nemuri Kayama has changed Nemuri Kayama to Midnight
Midnight: Better :)
EmoHobo: What? WHY!?
Midnight: Shh, just accept it
EmoHobo: Why can't I change my name?
Midnight: Cuz you need special permission too :)
Nezu has changed Nezu to HighOverlordOfInsanity
Nezu has logged off
EmoHobo: ...
Hizashi Yamada: ...
Midnight: Anyhoo! Shota, that grape kid of yours scares me
EmoHobo: Mineta?
Hizashi Yamada: You mean the pint size pervert?
EmoHobo: Zashi you can't just call a kid a pervert
Hizashi Yamada: -3-
KnockoffMcCree: Wait, why am I...Midnight why....
Midnight: What? Want me to give the others nicknames too?
       Midnight has changed Powerloader to BobTheBuilder
       Midnight has changed Cementoss to Schnitzel
       Midnight has changed Toshinori Yagi to DadMight
Midnight: Happy? <3
KnockoffMcCree: Why do u get ur actual name and everyone else suffers....
EmoHobo: And why didn't you change Zashi?
Hizashi Yamada has changed Hizashi Yamada to Cockatoo
EmoHobo: What? Why?
Cockatoo: Katsuki called me it during class to insult me
Cockatoo: But I kinda like it
Cockatoo: :)
Midnight: It should be GayCockatoo
Midnight has erased message.
EmoHobo: ....
EmoHobo: Why has god left me....
KnockoffMcCree: Midnight what's the point of this again?
Midnight: To talk....work!
EmoHobo: To fulfill her sick need for gossip
Midnight has muted EmoHobo.
Cockatoo: aww :(
Midnight: He's just in a time out Zashi, I'll bring your bf back soon
KnockoffMcCree: Why do I even work here?

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