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Aizawa - EmoHobo
Hizashi - Cockatoo
Midnight- Midnight
Snipe - KnockoffMcCree
Vlad King - BlehBlehBleeeh
Ectoplasm - Venom
Powerloader - BobTheBuilder
All Might - DadMight
Nezu - HighOverlordOfInsanity
Cementoss - Schnitzel
Thirteen - Thirteen

[Gossip Sesh]
Midnight has logged on.
Cockatoo has logged on.

Midnight: Heyy~
Cockatoo: Hey!
Midnight has unmuted EmoHobo
Midnight: @ EmoHobo
Midnight: Oh shush Shota, you ruin everything
Midnight: xxx
Cockatoo: o.o
Cockatoo: Welcome back Sho!
EmoHobo: ...
EmoHobo: ;-; someone end my suffering
BlehBlehBleeeh has logged on.
BlehBlehBleeeh: My phones been going off for the past hour. Wut is this?
BlehBlehBleeeh: Why is my name BlehBlehBleeeh....
Midnight: Extra emphasis on bleh, yw ;)
BlehBlehBleeeh: I don't say that tho!
EmoHobo: Vlad help me
BlehBlehBleeeh: Aizawa?
Cockatoo: I love how he picked up on that sooo easily
EmoHobo: Who's side are you on Zashi!?
BlehBlehBleeeh: Midnight?
BlehBlehBleeeh: Why?
Midnight: Why does everyone keep asking that? It's for work stuff!
EmoHobo: Define "work"
Venom has logged on.
KnockoffMcCree has logged on.
Midnight: Heyy Ecto! Heyy Snipe!
Venom: Why is my name changed to Venom?
KnockoffMcCree: Did you not see mine?
Venom: ....
Venom: I kinda like it.
Midnight: Yours or Snipe's?
Venom: Oh mine. Snipe's is a disaster.
KnockoffMcCree: That's it, I'm changing my hero costume.
Cockatoo: Aww why?
KnockoffMcCree: Because I'm being bullied
Cockatoo: ;-;
EmoHobo: Okay fine, if were using this for work...Vlad, your student Neito has been a nuisance again.
BlehBlehBleeeh: I've given up trying to control him
Cockatoo: I think he's ok! Just don't leave him in a room alone with Katsuki
KnockoffMcCree: You can't leave ANYONE alone in a room with that kid.
Venom: he's right tbh
EmoHobo: Can we stop bashing my students for like, 30 seconds?
Cockatoo: Aww, look at Sho being a good dad <3
Midnigh: Speaking if being a dad, care to explain that Hitoshi kid?
EmoHobo: What? You mean Shinsou?
Midnight: That's the one!
Midnight: He looks EXACTLY like you
Midnight: Drained of life and done with his existence
EmoHobo: .....
EmoHobo has left the chat room.
Cockatoo: No my sad kitten ;-;
Midnight has added EmoHobo to the chat.
Midnight: Your bf is sad stop leaving
Cockatoo: Sho!
EmoHobo: @ HighOverlordOfInsanity Can you fire me?
HighOverlordOfInsanity has logged on.
HighOverlordOfInsanity: I'm sorry, but you are to much of an asset to the students. They need you, thus I cannot do that.
HighOverlordOfInsanity: Have a nice day though :)
HighOverlordOfInsanity logged off.
EmoHobo: I want god to kill me...
Cockatoo: *hugs sho*
Midnight: Oh, Ecto! You should host a karaoke night in the teacher's lounge this Friday!
Venom: Where did this come from?
Midnight: I dunno, we need to loosen up and bond as coworkers.
Midnight: Besiiiiides, it'd be a great excuse for a party
BlehBlehBleeeh: That's not a horrible idea.
EmoHobo: That's a horrible idea.
KnockoffMcCree: who got you in such a mood?
EmoHobo: .....
Cockatoo: Oh! I can help with that!
Venom: I guess we could.
Midnight: @ DadMight
DadMight has logged on.
EmoHobo: So do you say that every time you enter something?
Cockatoo: That's what she said.
Cockatoo: >B-)
EmoHobo: Why are you like this?
Midnight: Toshi! Karaoke night!
DadMight: ???
Venom: Midnight suggested I host a karaoke night Friday in the teacher's lounge.
DadMight: Sounds fun!
Cockatoo: We need a prize!
Midnight: Shota's sleeping bag
EmoHobo: NO!!
Midnight: Your right, what else are you supposed to cuddle Yamada in.
Midnight deleted a message.
EmoHobo: I saw that
Midnight: No you didn't.
Cockatoo: <3
EmoHobo: Zashi stop encouraging her!
KnockoffMcCree: I still don't understand why I'm working here.
EmoHobo: I'm starting to hate all of you....
Cockatoo: Aww, even me?
DadMight: And me?
EmoHobo: ....
EmoHobo: I'll be right back...
EmoHobo has logged off.

                                           [Resident Emos]
IErasedMySoul has logged on.

WalkingAirpods: Oh, it's Mr. Aizawa
BlackBirb: Hello sir.
DarkBirb: o:
CanIAskYouAQuestion?: Hey dad
IErasedMySoul: I have reached the point of my life, when I have realized trying to communicate with others is pointless because nobody listens.
BlackBirb: Ouch.
CanIAskYouAQuestion?: Was it is other dad again?
CanIAskYouAQuestion?: Here, I can cheer you up :)
CanIAskYouAQuestion? sent a link: http://cutecatcuddlingaballofyarn.jpg
IErasedMySoul: Thank you Shinso
IErasedMySoul: :)
WalkingAirpods: Such a good son ;-;
DarkBirb: So beautiful;-;
KaraokeJesus: You realize I'm also here, right?
WalkingAirpods: Busted
BlackBirb has sent a link: http://homerbackintobush.gifyv
DarkBirb: O3O
IErasedMySoul: Why are you even...?
IErasedMySoul has logged off.
CanIAskYouAQuestion?: ....

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