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Weighted footsteps echoed through the damp concrete hall. Her cargo pant-clad legs made soft swishing sounds as they brushed against each other, much to her annoyance. She huffed softly, and paused her brisk walking for a moment to pull her pant leg down a bit, with high hopes of stopping the fabrics obnoxious melody. No such luck.

She continued walking down the grey-filled corridor and glanced around. No matter how many times she walked this path, she never ceased to wonder how her District, one known for its spectacular feats of masonry and architecture, could manage to produce a system of passageways as underwhelming and dismal as this.

She shuddered and picked at her ear as one of the hanging lights swinging above her emitted a sharp, loud screech. The girl shook her head and continued forwards. She hated the walk to get here, considering the filthiness of it all, but her final destination was ultimately worth it. 

She approached the rusty metal doors towards the end of the corridor and exhaled a sigh of relief. The motion sensors nearby detected her presence, and a small finger pad and a keypad emerged from the wall. 

A woman's robotic voice sounded from the small speaker above the doorframe, "Please enter your clearance number."

The sixteen-year-old rolled her eyes (as you could imagine most sixteen-year-olds do), and softly tapped in her code. A sharp "ping" was heard as her number was accepted, followed by the robot's voice again.

"Please place your left index finger on the pad."

She turned to the pad and laid her finger on the small black pad. A needle poked her finger and she inhaled sharply though her teeth. She hated that. 

The girl snatched the small cotton bandage provided and placed it on her finger as she awaited admission. Suddenly, the pad retracted itself and a small screen popped up. It showed her information; her blood type, age, height, weight, eye color, and her name.

Is the information provided correct?  She tapped the screen a few times to confirm it, and it pinged one final time.

She smirked casually as the woman's voice rang out once more; 

"Welcome, Elijah Acevedo."

Her Love, His Life - A Cato Hadley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now