Using Jejemon in Terms of Communicating

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"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." - Winston Churchill

Communication is the imparting or the exchanging of information or news. Communicating to other people may be a very good example for us to reach new information and news. But people nowadays are using different and ridiculous dialects and languages. For example, Jejemon.

What is Jejemon? 

According to the things that I have heard, Jejemon is the shortening of words for people who has a limited characters in texting with their phones. Which has 160 characters only. But people nowadays, are being abusive to the language. Instead of making the word short, they just make it longer and harder by using numbers. 

This isn't algebra, where you use variables.

Making the letters capital, even though it's not necessary. Joining in the letters and numbers in a word making it hard to read. Giving people migraines when they say "3ow ph0W!" when that word only means "Hello!". And when they laugh, they aren't using "hahaha" but instead "jejeje" or "jajaja". It would be a nightmare when two jeje people talking and you are the third wheel hearing their boisterous laugh. "Jejeje! yuhHr s0 fUnnY!".

*shivers* I hope it won't come true.

In schools, Jejemon is forbidden. Because it may affect the child's vocabulary in english on in tagalog. Moving on, Jejemon may not that bad when it comes to communication because they just make other jeje people understand each other. Jejemon are like drugs, a few dose may be helpful to your body but when you abuse it, you know, makes the people out of control.

Another disadvantage of Jejemon is that they are also in trend when it comes to fashion. Like wearing a cap, huge shades, lots of bling blings, loose shirts and shorts. Walking in the streets like swaggers. Which makes you uncomfortable when you see them.

Jejemons are like a plague now in the social media. For example, in Facebook. Jejemons are using the word "BHOXZS" as their profile name followed by their first name, which is pretty disturbing together with their profile picture wearing those things I mentioned above. There was a not too new news where Facebook will remove all the people using that kind of profile name or anything that is related to Jejemon because as I said earlier, they're like plagues.

The things I said above was some what negative, so, what are really the good things about Jejemon?

Jejemon has really no good things, but when it comes to communicating with others it's really beneficial. Because they are just expressing their selves to other people. As what the quote has said, " Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.". So, just ignore the jeje people, they are just expressing their selves as a way of communicating with others. 

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