Chapter 2

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Harry was about to finish his shift at bakery when Nick came up to the counter with his boyfriend on his heels. Though Nick had not spent much time with the guys, they had become kinda friends.
After taking Nick's order for two pastries, as Harry was about to turn away from counter to get the order ready, Nick spoke up, "Are you guys planning on going somewhere this weekend?"

Harry thought for a minute before replying, "Not that I know of. But mostly we will all be home." Harry smiled at the images that flickered through his mind, as what all things he will be doing with his boyfriends at home all weekend.

"Good. 'coz I was thinking of coming down to get remaining of my stuff and vacate the room".

"So, should we expect a new flat mate?", Harry was so annoyed at the thought. Why couldn't it be just them? New flat mate means less physical action. He was not ready for that and he knew that the boys will not like it too.

Nick looked at his boyfriend, Andy, who gave him a nod to continue, and said, "Well.. not flat mate exactly. He will not be paying rent like you do. Instead, we will give you guys some money to cover up his cost of food and other things".

Harry was beyond confused but Nick and Andy explained him the situation. At the end they both had a convinced Harry nodding his head in agreement. Though Harry couldn't promise anything. He told Nick that he still would have to talk about it to the boys and then will let him know.

Later in the evening, as Harry got out of his apron, cleaned himself off all flour, he heard a loud horn from outside. Loud horn equals Zayn. So he will be riding home with Zayn this evening. Harry giggled to himself thinking if he could really ride Zayn while driving back home.

He literally ran towards the car and got into the passenger seat to avoid the dirty glances that were being thrown because of the honking. But the awkwardness flew away as Zayn pulled him into his lap and attached their lips in hurried kiss. Harry couldn't help but moan into Zayn's mouth. A hot kiss after long hours at bakery, anyone would trade anything for it.

Finally, Zayn pulled back with a wet stripe across Harry's plump red lips. Harry took the cue and got himself settled in the passenger seat. Zayn leaned down and placed a couple of small kisses on Harry's lips before pulling up his car and hit the road.

"So, it's you today to take me home?"

"Yeah, Liam is picking Niall up from his footie practice. So it is just me at your service.", Zayn said smiling, while placing his hand flat on Harry's thigh.

Harry just nodded and turned the radio on. Humming along with the songs, they reached home in no time. Seemingly Niall and Liam had already reached home and Liam had even started with the dinner.

Zayn quickly kicked off his shoes and plopped down beside (or you can say, half on) Niall who was watching a football match on TV. Just like natural body reflexes, Niall wrapped his hands around Zayn and kissed him bang on his lips twice, thrice , okay may be four times.

Harry neatly put his and Zayn's shoes in the shoe stand beside the main door before leaning down from back of the sofa to kiss Niall's head. Niall smiled against Zayn's lips and looked up just in time, when Harry placed his lips on Niall's.

"Had a good practice, Ni?", Harry asked casually, while pulling off his jacket.

"Yeah. Was good, but I think I hurt my shoulder a bit when that jerk jumped on me."

As soon as the words were out of Niall's mouth, Zayn had his t-shirt removed and examining his shoulder. He did have bruises there. Zayn delicately moved his finger tips on the bruises and blowed on them.

Harry stood up straight and walked towards the kitchen, "I will get something to put on those bruises".

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he was welcomed with Liam's ass in air. Hahahah. Basically, Liam bent in the refrigerator, searching for something. Harry walked up to him so slowly, just like a cat, without making any noise and gripped Liam's hips in his large hands and pressed his crouch in Liam's ass.

Liam jumped up and stood straight but moaned nonetheless. He quickly turned around to see a smirking Harry with dark eyes.
"Why you guys always try to seduce me when I am in kitchen?", Liam tries to sound annoyed but everyone know how he feels about it.

"Maybe coz you look so hot being so domesticated, cooking for us, just like a hot and sexy house wife", said Harry before latching on Liam's neck, moving his hand south, finally placing them on Liam's ass and giving it a small squeeze.

Liam couldn't help but turn his neck in opposite direction to give Harry more room for sucking on his skin.
They both were about to attach their lips for a hot and dirty snogging session when Zayn pops up in the kitchen, "I thought you were searching for some cream to put on Niall's bruises".

Bruises? On Niall? That had Liam running out of kitchen to Niall. Harry and Zayn just shared a fond look when they heard Liam scolding Niall for not telling him about it when he got to get him at practice.


Harry had totally forgot his conversation with Nick this evening, until Niall asked about weekend plans at dinner.

"Guys, I forgot to tell you. Nick and Andy might come this weekend to get Nick's remaining stuff and vacate his room". Harry waited for the guys to take in what it meant.

"So, a new flat mate. Isn't it?", and Zayn made a face in less than a minute. As expected.

Harry shook his head lightly before continuing, "I just want you guys to listen me out first and then tell me what you think."

All the three boys nodded their head in agreement and Harry continued, "So Andy's uncle and aunt are getting divorced. They have a son, who is taking it really bad and have got himself isolated. He is not talking to anyone. Doesn't come out of his room. The divorce case is still pending in court, so Andy's uncle and aunt are still in same house and are still fighting continuously. This boy, Louis, seems to be close enough to Andy to tell him that he is scared of living with any of his parents and that he wants to get out of this house."

Harry took a breath and looked at the boys if they wanted to say anything. But when they just asked him to continue, he did, "This Louis even asked Andy if he could stay with him. If it was a month back, when Nick had not moved in with him, Louis would have moved in with him. But now, he was just, you know, he was asking if this boy could move in here with us. Because, of course he is big enough to stay on his own in some other place, but Andy said it might not be good for him to stay alone. Moreover he said that, Louis is very sensitive, emotional, and he would not like him to stay alone or even with some total strangers. Andy even said that he will pay for his food and other things. We just have to see that he stays good and healthy".

Liam nodded his head before asking Harry as how old this guy is. "He is about to turn 18 in a month or so. That's what Andy said".

"I take it as he doesn't work anywhere, as Andy is gonna pay for him", said Niall. Harry nodded in agreement. From what Harry observed, Niall was not much liking the idea of this guy moving in with them.

Zayn finally spoke up, "I think, I think we should atleast meet this guy once, before... before he moves in actually. We have to see if he feels comfortable here or not".

Zayn did have a point, they all agreed to it. Few minutes later, Nick received a call from Harry, saying that the boys are okay with Louis moving in but also wanted to meet him beforehand. So, they planned that Nick and Andy will bring Louis with them this weekend and let him see the place where he might be staying for quite a long time.

That night and a couple more nights until the Friday night, all four of them slept together. Taking in each other as much as possible. Nobody knows if they would be able to do all that stuff with someone outside their bubble, in the same house.

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