Chapter 16

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When they reached at Nick's place, the party was already in full swing. Being not used to such parties and drunk crowd, Louis unknowingly moved closer to Niall and grabbed his hand in both of his own. Niall turned his head to look at Louis and noticed how tensed and bit scared Louis was looking. He gave a little squeeze to Louis' hand to give him some assurance along with a soft unsure smile which Louis returned in the same manner.

As soon as they had entered the living room, which was now a make-shift dance floor, Louis was pulled into a tight hug. Harry was smiling like a mental, his cheeks already flushed, signaling he had had more than a couple of drinks already. Niall shook his head fondly at them and left in search of his remaining boyfriends.

"Hey, Lou! You look beautiful", Harry said breathily, slowly tracing the thick line of dried eye liner around Louis' beautiful blue eyes.

Louis giggled at the state of Harry and how he was sounding, "And you look funny, Hazza".

Harry just hummed in agreement and leaned down to kiss Louis on his lips. Louis squeaked a bit, being in front of so many people and kissing was new to him, but a firm grip of Harry's arms around him didn't let him pull back. With Harry's soft pillowy lips were moving on his own, Louis couldn't help but kiss him back. Neither of the two were aware of their little audience, consisting three people, were making heart eyes at them.

It was Zayn who pulled Louis away from Harry and scooped him up in his own arms. Harry started to complain but a word didn't leave his mouth when he saw Zayn's lips getting attached to Louis'. Louis' eyes were closed, so calm. His small hands resting on Zayn's chest, while Zayn had his one hand around back of Louis' neck, pressing his mouth closer and the other resting sinfully on his ass cheek.

Liam gave a little nudge to Zayn's shoulder, "Hey, its my turn now". Zayn reluctantly pulled back, not before placing a quick peck on Louis' waiting lips. Soon Louis was passed on to Liam and before Liam could say anything, his mouth was covered with Louis'. Liam made a surprised noise but moaned when Louis sucked a bit harder on his lower lip. That little shit had a compilation of the boys' weak points.

When they finally pulled back, Liam turned Louis around and draped himself around Louis' back. Having changed into Batman costumes on their way here, Liam was now very comfortable. Louis noticed the change but decided against making any comments. He wanted to be in this moment. Savor the love that was oozing out of these three guys. Liam was still clutching him tightly in his chest when Louis' looked at Niall.

Niall was squirming a bit in Harry's hold, still not sure what he wanted. Harry made that easy for him, "I think its time, Ni".

Liam intertwined his fingers with Louis' to give him some kind of assurance. He knew how Louis would feel if Niall rejected him. But at the same time rejection seemed a long forgotten possibility with the way Niall was looking at Louis right now. They knew that both the boys like each other but Louis is too afraid of getting rejected and Niall is too stubborn to accept his affection towards the smaller lad.

Zayn just observed the scene in front of him. Quite not sure if Niall will act something unexpected. How would he handle it? Who would look after Niall? Who would take care of Louis' broken state? He surely was no fan of seeing any of his boys crying but sure, it was time for them three to take initiative for these two idiots. The silence in that noisy place, was something new that he was experiencing. He was about to make some comment to ease the situation but stopped when he saw Niall nodding his flowery head and moving closer to Louis.

Louis tightened his grip on Liam's fingers as Niall came closer to him. He didn't know what was he supposed to act like? Should he say something? Maybe apologies? But for what? He had no clue. Little bit of tension vapored away when Niall smiled at him and cupped his face with his hands gently. Louis squeezed Liam's fingers even more if that was possible, like he wanted Liam to be there for him if something goes wrong.

"I am sorry, Louis. For taking so long to warm up to you. I was really worried that you will snatch away by boyfriends but never once thought that you can become a one too. I am sorry for all the glares that I gave you". Niall stopped his monologue when he heard a small sniffling sound coming from Harry. Emotional shit.

Louis bit his lip and looked in Niall's eyes, "Don't say sorry, Niall. I understand how you must be feeling. I know how scared someone can get when they think of losing someone they love. I understand. Yeah?"

Niall nodded before dipping his head and giving a quick peck to Louis' lips. And then a couple of more. All the other three cheered for them and dragged them to the supposed to be bar counter.

Few hours later when Nick heard the girls cooing over something, he made his way into the crowd and saw how a honey bee was sucking honey out of a flower's mouth.


Harry and Zayn drove together while Liam followed them in the other car with Nouis in the back seat. It had got little tensed when Niall had got little carried away and started rutting against Louis. With Niall's lips attached to his neck and a hand on his bare thighs, it was getting difficult for Louis to stop him. He wanted it. He wanted it all but right now was not the time. The scared noised which Louis was making got Liam's attention.

"Ni, babe, take it slow, yeah? How if we wait till we get home?". Niall groaned but pulled back.

None of the boy had ever been so happy as they were right now. Entering the house later that night, it all felt so different. Like they were getting into something new yet something natural. Since Niall got the taste of Louis' sweet mouth, he was reluctant to let go of him and drunk Niall was 2.0 version of the original. Harry managed to steal Louis away a couple of times but Zayn and Liam got no chance with him, so they kept themselves busy with sucking each other's mouth off.

That night when they entered the master bedroom, what happened in there is the story to be told some other time.

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