Chapter 5

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Definitely Louis liked the house. It was what he could feel himself living in for some time, maybe more than some time. If he could, he would have left his parents' house long before. Yes, HOUSE. He could not call it home anymore. The situation in his home was never like that before. He had loving parents and a very lovely elder sister. Only that his parents always showed their love in the manner of gifts and huge amount of pocket money. If you ask him, his sister was more like a mother figure for him. She was the reason for what he was today, so well-mannered, well-behaved. Not that he didn't love his parents but he knew that they were not the one who will come to his annual day functions, his drama plays or even his football matches. It was always his sister who will be there, constantly to support him in whatever he wanted to do. But when he lost her in an accident two years ago, everything changed. Nobody cared for him like she used to. His mother just asked him if he wanted new playstation or money to buy things he never wanted. His dad didn't even bother to ask him that much. He just transferred some money in his account monthly and got done with his responsibilities of being a father.

When Louis started to fail at school, with so much stress for his fragile heart, his mother started shouting at him. According to her, he was shame to the family who couldn't even keep his grades in school. But never did she ask once as why he was not doing well in school. When nobody was home to take care of him, both his parents started fighting with each other as how he was responsibility of the other one. The fights came to the point where they went to the court to take divorce. To his utter shock and disappointment, none of his parents claimed for his custody. With huge property involved in the matter, the decision of the court was taking longer than usual and each passing day was eating his soul that he was staying with the people who don't want him in their house, leave alone their lives. That's when he decided to call his cousin, Andy to discuss the things. He was the only one, with whom he could talk about all this, after his sister.

As he was about to complete his eighteen years, Andy suggested that he could move out as soon as he turns the age, but Louis had crossed his capacity of staying in that house. He practically begged to Andy to take him out of this house and with him. Andy asked him to wait for a day so that he could think of something that will not create much problem for anybody.

The next day Louis' parents received a call from Andy, asking for their permission if Louis could live with him for few days. They both were more than happy that someone was taking the responsibility off their shoulders.

Louis got a call from Andy on the same night, telling him that they will be going to see the house where he can live, on coming Saturday. Louis protested, saying that he wanted to live with Andy and not at some unfamiliar place. But Andy assured him that he would definitely like the place and the people with whom he will be sharing the house.

And Louis really liked the place and the curly haired lad who had opened the door for them. As the time for their departure for the day came, Louis was sure that he would move in here without a second thought but at the same time he also felt that two of the four people would be happier without him being there. But he was ready to take risk and move in.

It was Harry, who decided to take off from work on Monday to help Louis move in. Zayn and Niall had done their best to tell him otherwise; that the boy in question is big enough, of course age wise, to take care of himself but Harry being as stubborn he was, managed to stay home. Nick just dropped two suitcases with lost looking Louis at their door, since Andy was called up early to work that day.

As soon as Nick turned his back to the door and drove off in his car, Harry turned his full attention to the flower like boy in front of him, biting his thin pink lips in tension. How does he manage to look cuter than the last time, thought Harry. His head covered in a baby blue beanie and his thick legs in same colored pants. The blue of his eyes sparkled more because of his bright white shirt with pretty little floral prints. Considering the tension that Louis must be in, Harry asked him to get inside the house before he picked up each of his suitcase in each of his hand.

"Would you like something to drink?" Harry asked slowly as the boy settled himself in the far corner of couch.

"A glass of water please", Louis replied politely but stood up instantly before continuing, "Umm... would you mind if I take it myself? As I am not guest anymore and I should be doing my own things".

Harry smiled before walking up to him and taking Louis smaller hands in his larger ones "It's not a big deal, Louis. We do all the stuff for each other here. So don't feel shy for asking for anything anytime to any of us". Harry thought for a moment if Zayn and Niall will help Louis if he needed. "Well, you can always tell me or Liam at least for now. Yeah?"

Louis nodded with a smile, "But can I at least come with you to the kitchen and we can sit there?"

"Sure". With that they both treated towards the kitchen. They spent the next couple of hours setting up Louis room with the stuff he had managed to get from his home. Harry couldn't help but notice as how all the things in Louis' possession were clearly indicating as how soft the boy was. Most of his cloths had pleasant pastel shades of colors. Not a single item in black. Even the frames which contained photos of him with his sister, which Harry learned from him that he had made them himself, were so delicate. When Harry offered to set up his items in the attached bathroom while Louis was spreading up sheets on the mattress, Harry took a chance and smelled his shampoo and body wash. The sweet scent of vanilla and strawberry filled his lungs.

When he returned from the bathroom, he saw a starfish on the mattress. He looked so cute spread like that, Harry couldn't suppress his giggles. Louis opened his eyes for the sound but did not make any attempt to change his position on the bed, "What's so funny, Harry?"

Harry just shook his head, still smiling, "Nothing. You are just so tiny and cute and urghh.. Sorry, it may sound weird but I just want to eat you".

This time even Louis couldn't hold back the laughter which erupted from his stomach and soon Harry joined him. Soon Harry started to tickle Louis so bad, the smaller lad was literally screaming his lungs out. They both were so busy laughing, that they didn't even hear the main door being opened and someone walking up to now-Louis' room.

Suddenly Louis stopped laughing and stared at the door. Before Harry could follow his gaze and turn around, he heard a voice, "So you made yourself home a lot faster than I thought, Louis".

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