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Assalamualaikum everyone.
This is my first book. Tbh huh😰 So please guys support me, and share my story with your friends😦 if you want to say something you can, but please don't comment something harsh. 🙏


I had changed Rahmaan's name to Rumaan so don't get confused if you find Rahmaan's name anywhere.




Hana Mirza (10) - Lead female protagonist

Rafeeq Mirza - Hana's father (older brother)

Nasreen Mirza - Hana's mother

Marziya Mirza (21) - Hana's elder sister married to her maternal aunt's son

Rumaan Mirza / Maan (13) - Lead male protagonist

Shabana Mirza - Rumaan's mother

Ahmed Mirza - Rumaan's father (younger brother)

Riya (20) and Fathima (15) Mirza - Rumaan's elder sisters


Chapter 1

Today was a very big day for the Mirza family. Well, considering it was their children's Nikah (an Islamic wedding). Shabana Mirza was on top over the seventh cloud seeing that her one and only lovely handsome son's nikah was to be with Hana, her favourite girl in the world.

Nasreen Mirza and Shabana Mirza being each other's sister-in-law were best of friends. And when Nasreen died she gave her 3-year-old lovely baby girl Hana to Shabana. Shabana was the only one whom Nasreen trusted after her death as a mother figure to Hana, who would love her daughter over the moon. And to assure Shabana promised her lovely best friend to make her daughter her daughter-in-law.

The previous week Rafeeq had a heart attack, which kind of frightened him about the well-being of his beloved daughter. He very well knew his younger brother Ahmad and his wife Shabana would take well care of his daughter but like every father he wanted assurance before god forbid anything happens to his life That's the reason, he requested that this nikah be done as soon as possible.

Rumaan 13 and Hana being 10 unaware of the seriousness of the bond they were being tied to happily accepted their family's decision.

Though both always knew that they were engaged and one day they would eventually get married. They are best of friends and liked each other a lot hence they didn't have any problem with the elder's decision.


"Hanu wake up" Shabana yelled from downstairs for the tenth time.

" Mama.. please na let me sleep for a while.. cmon it's Sunday today" Hana yelled back.

Shabana came up to Hana's room and looked at her who was sleeping peacefully hiding her little body in a big fluffy blanket.
Shabana shook her head with a smile, came close to her bed and sat there.

"Hanu... it's 9 o'clock baby, wake up" she said softly and removed the blanket from Hana's face.

"But mama did you forget? Today is Sunday and I don't have a school to attend" Hana said in her sleepy voice innocently.
Slowly opening her sleepy eyes she looked at her Chachi (father's younger brother's wife). Shabana asked Hana to address her as her mama. After her mother's death, she finds her mother in her Chachi.

"I know beta (dear)" Shabana said lovingly caressing her cheeks

"Then why are you waking me up? sone Dein Mujhe (let me sleep)" Hana said closing her eyes.
"Nahi de Sakti (I can't let you sleep) " Shabana said.
"But Why?" Hana asked irritatedly her eyes still closed.

"Because....." Shabana said going closer to her ear.
"...Today is your and... maan's nikah beta" Shabana whispered.

Hana's eyes fluttered open

"WHATTT!!!!" Hana yelled getting up.

"YA ALLAH!!! How could I forget?" Hana palmed her forehead, now fully awake.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier mama, you do know that I have a lot of things to do," she said getting out of the bed.

"Accha and what's those things?" Shabana asked smilingly.

"You don't know? Mama, I have to go parlour for my manicure, pedicure and my MakeUp... Wow!!" Hana excitedly said clapping her hands. Shabana laughed at her innocent plans.

"Why are you laughing?" Hana asked placing her hands on her hips with a little frown on her cute face.

" Nothing beta.. you're just soo cute," she said pinching her cheeks lovingly.

"Mama, please... don't do these childish things with me. Now I am about to get married. I am a big big girl now" Hana said pushing her hair back dramatically making Shabana laugh even harder.

"Ok my big girl, and you don't have to worry about your parlour prepping.. marzi is coming and she will take care of everything"

"WHAT..? Aapi (sister) is coming yayyy" Hana yelled clapping her hands and jumping up and down.

"Now quickly go shower," Shabana said. Hearing this, Hana runs to her bathroom. "And come down for breakfast" Shabana yelled as she walked out of her room.

In the evening:

"Marzi beta please go, get Hana," Shabana said to Marziya.

All the family members of the Mirza family were present including Marziya's in-laws.

"Hanu baby let's go," Marziya said coming to Hana's room. Looking at her baby sister all dressed up as a bride, her eyes filled with happy tears. Hana was looking so cute in that beautiful golden gown and head covered with a small red dupatta.
"Aww our little bride is ready" she smiled and hugged her sister with love."I love you Hanu.. may Allah give you all the happiness in the world" Marziya said kissing her forehead a tear escaping her eyes missing her mother.

"Why are you crying Aapi?" Hana asked innocently while wiping tears from her Aapi's face.

"Nothing baby.. we need to go, all are waiting for you," Marziya said while grabbing her arm.

"Maan Bhi? (even Maan?)" Hana asked shyly looking down at the floor. "Aww, my baby is blushing," Marziya said laughing and pinching her cheeks. "Aaaappi" Hana covered her face with her hands. "Ok ok, no more teasing.. and yes your Maan bhi... now shall we?" Marziya asked and took her hand out for her. She takes it and they both walk out of the room.


"Do you Hana Rafeeq Mirza daughter of Rafeeq Mirza accept Ruman Ahmed Mirza, son of Ahmed Mirza as your husband?" Qazi Sahab asked Hana. Hana looked up at Rumaan who was sitting with Muneeb ( Hana's cousin) in front of her. Rumaan was already looking at her. Their eyes met and he gave her his cute charming smile which melted Hana's heart and without thinking, she said, "Qubool hai (I do)"

Qazi Sahab asked the same question twice "Qubool hai". And the third time she said "Qubool hai", all the time her eyes looked at the person who became her everything with those 2 words.

"Do you Ruman Ahmed Mirza son of Ahmed Mirza accept Hana Rafeeq Mirza daughter of Rafeeq Mirza as your wife?" Qazi Sahab asked Rumaan. Without wasting a second he said,

"Qubool hai" (I do)
"Qubool hai" (I do)
"Qubool hai" (I do)

And with that, he made her HIS with those 2 simple words, and that's when he became Hana's everything and Hana becomes his nothing.


How was it?

I hope you like it.

Tell me where I am wrong.

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Love you all❤️

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