Happy note

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Hey guys I'm so happy today. I mean I'm on cloud nine today.


Cause my book cross 50k readers and 5.2k votes. I can't believe I did it. because it's my first book and that too in just 2 and half months my story reached this success.
I know I told you before but still I want to say that I was so frightened about writing something cause I was afraid to face any harsh comments. ( Im little self-conscious type person ) so... 😥

But you all proved me wrong by your lovely and appreciated comments.. so here im now thinking about writing new books. Cause I have great and appreciated readers. So I don't have to worry about my flaws.. do i?😦

Thank you so much guys for your love and support 😘

And someone suggested me to nominate my book in romance or spiritual so if you like to nominate blind by love then please go and nominate our book in romance and spiritual.
Link in my massage board

I will update soon don't worry 😉

Love you all❤️

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