16. Open your eyes/ drunk!!

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How are you all?

So here is our next chapter.

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Author's POV

Rahmaan was still in home while Ellen was waiting for him at restaurant with Alex and Jake. She came here for rahmaan's birthday which was in few days. Even rahmaan was little bit happy , knowing that his hot girlfriend was here.

He was about to stepped outside when he heard stern voice.

"Where are you going?" Ahmed asked. Rahmaan turned to looked at his father.

"Uh... To meet my friends" he replied. And turned to go but again Ahmed stopped him.

"Your not going anywhere" he said sternly. Rahmaan looked at his father and come in front of him.

"Why? Baba please I am already late." Rahmaan said and again turned.
"I said your not going anywhere rahmaan." He replied firmly.

"But baba..."
"Tomorrow is fathima's in law are coming for dinner... we need you here" rahmaan was about to argued but Shabana come in the middle and said.

"They are coming for dinner? Anything special?" He asked

"If you pay attention to your family then you will know what's going on in the house" Ahmed said not happy to know that his son is so irresponsible toward his family. Here his sister's wedding and he behaved like it didn't matter to him. That's why Ahmed really pissed off towards rahmaan.

"Actually rahmaan... They said they will coming with some lahenga designs and for fathima's measurement... So we invited them for dinner" shabana informed rahmaan.

"Ohk...but mama... My friends are waiting for me.. I'll come back soon.. and will do anything you say" he said but Shabana looked at ahmed and Ahmed gave look to her like: no he is not going anywhere. So she shrug looking at rahmaan.

"No... You came with me.. and help me making calls to our close relatives and friends... We need to inform them about fathima's marriage date" Ahmed said sternly. And walked toward his study room. Rahmaan looked at his mother.

"Mama... I really need to go" he pleaded. Shabana gave him apology look.

"I can't do anything... Your baba is already pissed off with you... Don't do anything that make him more angry" shabana said and walked out.

Rahmaan looked at the main door and the direction where his father goes.

I want to go.. but I don't want to make Baba angry either.. now what should I do?

Rahmaan think rubbing his forehead but nothing come in his mind so he shrug in defeated and walked toward study room.


It's been half and hour and rahmaan was still in the study room with his father.

Ahmed did everything to make rahmaan busy even he told him to silent his mobile because of continues beep sounds and calls.

Hana was sitting in the living room playing with her all nephews when shabana came to her.

"Hana... Beta can you please take this  coffee to study room? I have some work in the kitchen" Shabana asked and Hana stood up nodding her head.

"Um.. mama two coffees? Is anyone there with Baba?" Hana asked taking that small tray with shabana's hand.

"Yes.. rahmaan is there with your Baba" she replied and again walked toward kitchen. Leaving confused Hana

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