20. party part 2

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Hi guys.

Double update 😍

But before reading go and vote on 19 chapter if you didn't vote then. It makes me happy guys 😅


Rahmaan's POV

"She's beautiful" Jake compliment with smirked.

"She's innocent" Alex said looking at me with concern.

"She's mine" I said simply.

"But you said you wanted to divorce her.. don't you?" Jake asked confusing.

"I do" I replied with small smirked. I was driving us to restaurant. Alex was seated next to me while Jake was seated back.

I told them about mine and Hana's relationship a few days ago, they both were shock at first but hearing my point of view they said that i should divorce her if i Don't like her. But now..  that's not the case. Because now I like her.. but that doesn't mean I want this marriage. If i like hana than I love with my freedom. I didn't tell them anything when they asked about my divorce I just said 'soon'.

"But.. you just said that she's yours....then.... Rahem what you up to?" Alex asked confusing. they both were looking at me waiting for my answer. But I didn't say anything.

"Dude! Don't try to hide anything from us... tell us" Jake said sternly.

"Or if you don't want to tell us then there is no point for us to stay here.. we will go back to USA" Alex said to jake or should I say threatened me.. I huff and narrowed my eyes toward them but they looked away.

"Huh! I want hana to be mine in every way.. before our divorce" I finally blurted out. Their head snapped toward me.

"What?" They both said in unison.

"Hmm" I hummed in response.

"Ooooo" Jake said smirking. Alex didn't say anything he only shook his head and look out of the window.


"Hey baby!" as we enter restaurant party hall i heard Ellen's high pitched voice. And then saw her running toward me. And next second she cling into me.

"Hey" I pulled her back. And greet her with smiled.

"Why your late?" She asked pouting. I mentally rolled my eyes. Party started just few minutes ago. So basically I was not late but for her I was late because I was not here when she came.

"I was little busy babe" I said and she greeted Jake and Alex hugging them just like the way she hugged me a minute ago. I rolled my eyes and walked toward munaf while they follow me.

Munaf introduce us with his few friends and cousins.

"Where is your family dude?" Alex asked. While we all took cold drinks.

"They should be here by now... Don't know why they didn't come yet" munaf replied looking at his wrist watch.

"It's okay... They will be her..." Munaf cut me off in middle.

"They are here! Oh my god! She's also here" he said looking at someone in suprised.

"Who? Your girlfriend?" We all said smirking.

"Shut up" he said and walked from there and we turned to looked at his direction. I sip my drink only to choke. When my eyes landed on someone. My eyes widened my mouth hang open. My heart almost forgot to beat. My breath hitch in my throat.

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