55. Our end.

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Hi guys

So here is the next chapter.. this is the longest chapter I have ever wrote 😰 so please don't be kanjoos to do voting and commenting on this chapter 🙄

💔 I hope you got the hint. So please grabbed tissue papers before started reading this


Author's POV.

After coming back from his job he locked himself in his room. He tried his best to keep himself from any breakdown. That morning after Hana's another outburst he became numb. Walking out of her room he drove to his job office being lifeless. This time Hana's words wounded him to the soul. He couldn't believe that he became reasoned of hana's suffocation. And hana was desperately wanted to be free from him.

I think I can't fight for you anymore.

His broken side thought. But he Shook his head as he remembered about his child.

But I can't lose my child.

As the thought of his child losing make him shudder. Closing his eyes tightly he sat on bed gripping his head.

"It's not going to work" he heard a voice and snap his head toward the door and saw there standing Ariba with smirk on her face.

Rahmaan let out a frustrated sigh and look away.

"Oh rahem... That's rude" she pouted while walking toward him.

"What are you doing here? And why you came again in my life ariba? Didn't I told you to not come again in my life nor show me you face" he said coldly while going away from there where Ariba was.

"Nawaz bhai want me to get married.. even he found suitable proposal for me" she said huffing.

"That's great... You should think about your future Ariba" rahmaan said this time little softly.

"Nah! I don't want to marry anyone else.. rahem I came here to let you know that I want to marry you.. I love you and we can make a great couple" she exclaimed and rahmaan was looking at her like she had grown two heads.

"Are you even in your sense? I'm already married and love my wife more than anything and Inshallah soon going to be a father of mine and Hana's first child" rahmaan spoke slowly and loudly.. like she was some kind of insane person who needed time be understand each and everything.

Ariba's face fumed In anger. She clenched her jaw angrily.

"I did everything to break this relationship and your saying your still in love with her" she yelled in frustration. But when she realised what she said her head snap toward him. But to her surprised rahmaan was smiling at her.

"I..uh..um..." she didn't know what to say. She became afraid to see his reaction. And his smiled make her frightened for some reason.

"I know everything Ariba.. from the beginning" he spoke Ariba stare at him wide eyes.

"What..." Cutting her off he continued.

"How you manipulate hana... How you make misunderstanding in between us.. how you proved yourself innocent infront of me and put every blame on hana.. and all of this.. you successfully brainwashed me to denied that my child wasn't mine" he said everything in calm but his face turned into Anger in the end. Ariba eyes grew wide at his last statement.

"What... No! I didn't brainwashed you.. it's Jake..." She abruptly stopped from Saying anything further while rahmaan smirked.

"Jake! That day Jake called me when I was informed about Hana's pregnancy and brainwashed me that my child would ruin my life even I tried to reasoned him but still he did what YOU told him to do" he seethed in anger and Ariba stood there numb.

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