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Hello everyone, happy Monday. Blah! Sooooo, I keep getting this pop up customer survey for AT&T on my laptop. Like, I'll be trying to read a story on Wattpad, and then...BAM! I'm taken to another site for a FUCKING AT&t survey. A customer survey. I don't even use AT&T! I have. And it sucks. The Wi-Fi sucks! It's so fucking slow! Every time I would try to watch an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place (cause they had it on Netflix at the time) it would buffer! And the phones! They. Are. Absolute. TRASH! But I don't use AT&T anymore! It's worse than Sprint! And Sprint sucks ass. So like, why am I getting a survey on it!? And like, yeah. They give you a prize at the end. BUT YOU HAVE TO TAKE ANOTHER SURVEY, TO ACTUALLY GET THE PRIZE! WHY!? Why do I need to take another survey, just to get a Walmart gift card. I mean, yeah. It's a pretty  good gift card. It's a one thousand dollar gift card. You could buy a really good laptop with that. And like, eight or more Xbox or PlayStation games. So I mean, I wouldn't mind having it. But why take another survey, JUST TO GET IT!? I just, I can't. I can't. I can not do this, I just can't. I don't know anymore. I am...slowly losing my mind. I just, I don't know. Please help. I know this one was long. I am Sorry. But I had to rant.  I'm sorry if this offends any AT&T users. I'm trying to take a shot at anyone. I'll update tomorrow. Bye fam. YA GAY BITCH IS OUT! POICE! I can't do emojis on a computer keyboard ._.

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