CHAPTER XXIX : Got To Believe

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Hola Mi Amigos, Mi Amigas,

I dedicate this chapter to the creative @JessGirl93, your stories makes me scream at my pillows at the middle of the night and makes me wiggle in excitement haha

hihi new chapter to you :)

Hope to hear from you soon, let me know what ever is running inside your head guys. 

Mwuah :)

CHAPTER TWENTY NINE         :           Got To Believe 

            "And you are late again." I sigh in defeat.

            "Are you always like this? Making me wait?" She turns her back to me but I immediately grab her hand and cage her in my arms. In the few weeks since Vanna and I reconciled, I came to know her weakness is be enclosed within my arms. I inhale how divine she is. 

            "You always do this. You are being unfair again." She complains, I kiss her temple and smoothes her hair, "I promise to get back, I-I just got a demanding part time. You know that right?" I hate to lie to her but I just can't talk about the company, she nods and pushes me back but I keep hold of her hand. 

            "Fix the pipe in the kitchen. It's broken." We are like this, whenever I disappoint her, she throw errands on me which I willingly oblige to. I immediately went to the kitchen while she went upstairs. It's leaking furiously so I started the task. 

            I am all dirt and wet when I notice her watching me, she's leaning by her shoulder on the door frame, and I hate it when she's staring at me with this emotionless expression on her face. I eagerly stand up, making me hit the sink. 

            "Archer! Are you all right?" I support my head with my hands, the pain, it's throbbing. I sense her panic so I grab her wrist and pull her closer to me. I lean my head on her shoulder, 

            "See what happens when you're so cold to me," I pouted my lips at her but instead she swat my arm.    

            "Don't go all cuddly on me or I'll bang your head." She threatens, 

            "That's harsh! What have you done to milady?" I keep on playing innocent and I can see a shadow of smile on her tempting lips. 

            "Stop trying Archer. You are not a good actor." She helps me stand up and lead me to the living area.

            We fall to a deep silence after she nurse me; it's still throbbing but can manage to move somehow. I reached for her hand and kiss the back of it. I stare straight at her eyes but it looks confused, and sad.

            "I have a great feeling you are not telling me something." I put her hand on my chest, at the beating part. She eyes me warily, I raised an eyebrow. Finally she surrenders. At the magazine placed at the centre table she took an envelope and hand it to me. I took it in one hand and read the paper inside. She shook her head on my neck and wraps her arm around my waist. I suddenly feel cold, mad even. 

            "You're leaving me." It's almost a whisper, I feel something warm on my neck. I push her to face me but she keeps her face down but seriously she's crying. 

            "It was planned. I am supposed to be there weeks earlier but since we reconciled, I chose to stay. But Aunt Mika seriously needs my help there. To run the business." She said in between sobs, my temper is starting to pester me, 

            "And you don't have any intentions of telling me unless I push you?" I totally distance myself to her, 

            "I am about to tell you but you are always so busy, at times you avert or change the topic whenever I am to open it up, now tell me if I have no intentions of telling you!" Her tears are continuous, regardless of how much I wanted to wipe those dry, I can't. 

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