Chapter XXVI : It Girl

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It's been a while,

I dedicate this chapter to Imaginator1D because I miss HARRY!!!

:) Lovelots people :) mwuahs xoxo

CHAPTER TWENTY SIX:          It Girl

            Its dinner of day two and yet she still hasn't speak. I am kind of getting desperate on what's going on inside that fragile heart of hers and her naive mind, she chews her food slowly, mirroring how unhappy and uninterested she is on her food.

"Do you want me to get you a different meal?" I offered but she just shake her head, I sigh inwardly, she is so guarded, and I hate this version of her. I finished my food and so do her. I decided to hang out near the bay and she agreed by nodding her head.

If I don't insist of making her speak, we will both rot here for sure.

"May I know how you are feeling?" I didn't glance her way but I know she shook her head at the junction of her knees. I sigh and mouthed sorry. I let her be on her own bubble. While I busy myself with reliving the memory of my sister. I remember that night when we made a dummy on her bed so that we can sneak to went to Bob's and let her sing her soul out with Victor, I really know Ash has something for my best friend but sadly Victor treasures her no more than a sister. That's why when we figure out that Victor was fantasizing Monique, how? Because his room is full of Monique's photos, from posters down to newspaper photo and articles, he has a compilation of it. That's why Ash persuaded me to keep Monique away from Victor, whom Monique doesn't even know and whom Victor doesn't really know the standing in the society.

I smile at the memory of how Ash tries to cook Victor some pasta, but since she's a disaster in the kitchen, I did the cooking and she told Victor that she even got burned with the task which in reality was she absentmindedly hold the pan without pot holder, I sigh, Ashley and her not so lady antics.

"Hey, do you want to hear a story?" her head shifts and our eyes meet, for the first time in two days; I finally see life in those eyes of her. And somehow the hope that has died for about 48 hours has awakened again.

"Once there was a girl named Ashley..." I told her about how Ashley broke down the towering walls of my world when I was younger, how she showed me feelings that I despised because for me it is very untrue and unreal.

"While the boy is living by the shadows, this Ashley girl keeps on sneaking colours to his dark world, her stubbornness brought light little by little to his so called castle. Soon enough, the boy learns to smile, he at some point laughs, something that he found so foreign, it's been too long that he's been aloof to the world, and he thanks that stubborn Ashley girl for intruding his world." As I finished, I catch her, though only one eye staring at me, I catch her with questions illuminating her hazel eyes.

"Questions?" I entice her more for I know she'll die if she won't let those questions out, she immediately lifted her head up, and straighten her legs in front of her,

"Ashley's your sister, right?" she started without looking at me,

"Half sister actually." She stare back at me, I think she's surprised to know.

"And your parents?"

"Separated." I glance away, I don't want to remember the hell of a life my father has given my mother and I, she apologizes for the fact but I just shrug it off.

She asked further questions but whenever I frown she doesn't push too much, seriously, I am not that ready to unfold my earlier life, it's still too excruciating, especially for a four year old boy to witness how life can be so unfair. He having all the pleasures in life whilst my mother and I are left without anything to eat, worst, we even scavenge just to live and survive a day. The memory send me shivers, no matter how hard I tried, the scenes from the past keeps on sneaking on my future.

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