The Stage.

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The world is a stage, all have roles to play.

Or so, the Bard of Avon, William Shakespere says.

Some roles are good, some are bad.

Some play happy, some sad.

In all this chaos a dual character develops,

One for the others and one just for us.

We strive our best to hide that shade.

Because we fear the impressions it might have made.

Me? I am proud 'cause I have three.

It gives me an extra prespective to see.

It allows me to judge between the right and the wrong.

And keep myself away from Satan's among.

So in what the bard said, he was very clever.

He wrote us some puzzles and left us forever.

I'll tell you what, the world's really a stage.

But it's up to you if you want to stay in the cage.

Be good people, because that's what matters.

Your truth shouldn't make no heart shatter.

                                                                                         -Faraz Ahmed Aaswi.

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